This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from October 26 - November 2, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.
Article Index
Some prophecy in Harrisburg
by Stan Luxenberg
page 1, page 6
keywords: "Carl Albert for President in 1973"; Duane Johnson; Market Street Bookstore; prophecy; Nixon; Martin Luther King; impeach
CARE wins case, but Wildwood battle continues
by Jim Wiggins
page 2, page 8
keywords: River Relief Route; Coalition Against Ruining the Environment; recreational development; Judge William C. Nealon; Jacob Kassab; PennDOT; Wildwood Park; National Environmental Policy Act
Former mental patients crowd rooming houses
by Marty Peterson
page 2, page 7, page 9
keywords: District Attorney Leroy Zimmerman; Liberty House; Edward Finklestein; city housing code; Dauphin County Mental Health and Mental Retardation; Harrisburg State Hospital; independent living; boarding homes; William Vastine; community care; housing
Forget about Watergate?
page 2
keywords: Gerald Ford; Wategate; President Nixon; Dauphin County Republican Committee
The art of sending political telegrams
by Hannah Leavitt
page 2, page 7
keywords: Western Union; politico-grams; Nixon impeachment; Watergate Committee; Cox; bombing of Cambodia
Controlling car pollution
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: Ford Motor Company; Clean Air Act of 1970; auto pollution control standards; auto industry; Honda; GM; Chrysler; In the Public Interest; fuel economy; research and development program
by Dick Sassaman
page 3, page 9
keywords: Capone; income tax regulations; Jay Robert Nash; Kenneth Allsop; Spiro Agnew; state contracts; plea bargaining; Attorney General; Elliot Richardson; Judge Walter Hoffman
Obscenity hearings: Porno for the people?
by John Serbell
page 4, page 6, page 10
keywords: prurient interest; House Law and Justice Committee; sexual conduct; Citizens for Responsive Government; motion pictures; public hearings; state standards; District Attorneys; minors; public display; Rev. Hal Lloyd
New: plastic Coke bottles
by LNS
page 4
keywords: Monsanto Company; Coca-Cola Company; returnable bottles; health hazard; nonreturnable soda bottles
Armstrong's trial: motive for a bombing
by LNS
page 5
keywords: Madison, Wisconsin; Karlton Armstrong; bombings; Army Mathematics Research Center; guilty plea; second degree murder; arson; Indochina; Defense Attorney William Kuntzler; Phoenix program; CIA; mitigation of sentence hearing; veterans; Robert Fassnacht
Government drops Weatherpeople case
by LNS
page 5
keywords: Weather Underground; conspiracy charges; Judge Damon Keith; unlawful surveillance; Detroit, Michigan
page 10
keywords: "no fault" divorce bill; separation; mutual disenchantment; Rep. Martin Mullen; marijuana; politicians; law enforcement officials; Harris Poll; Americans for Democratic Action; Rizzo; homecoming contests; beauty contests; William F. Buckley; Agnew
The books of Dean R. Koontz
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: Chase; writer; Benjamin Chase; K.R. Dwyer; Glenda Kleaver; Duel; suspense; Blood Risk; Brian Coffey; Mike Tucker; The Mafia; Surrounded; Writing Popular Fiction; popular novelist; science fiction; mystery; gothic-romance; western; erotica; fantasy; agents; book titles; plot
by Jim Flanagan
page 1, page 4, page 6
by Jim White
page 2, page 7, page 11
by LNS
page 5, page 8
by Gene Suchma
page 3