This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from October 19 - October 26, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
"Why not MAKE MONEY while learning to write?"
by Dick Sassaman
page 1, page 5
keywords: Dean R. Koontz; science fiction; Star Quest; pornography; The Haunted Carnival; Randon House; Bobbs-Merrill; pseudonyms; K. R. Dwyer; Robert Heinlein; school teacher; Mechanicsburg; writer
Four films
page 1
keywords: Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Vietnam; Black Americans
Can Harrisburg treat ex-mental patients?
by Marty Peterson
page 3, page 10
keywords: Harrisburg State Hospital; mental health institutions; community based programs; Harrisburg Hospital Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center; Goodwill Industries; Dauphin County Community Resource Service; Aurora Club; Jerry Brennan; State, County and Municipal Employees Union
State gives cheap loans to giant corporations
by Stan Luxenberg
page 2, page 7
keywords: Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority; RCA; Westinghouse; American Can; Senator Henry Messinger; Fruehauf Corp.; Olivetti Underwood; Puritan Fashios Corp.; industry; jobs
Feminizing local school boards
by Hannah Leavitt
page 2, page 7, page 8, page 10
keywords: HIP interview; Harrisburg Women's Political Caucus; school board elections; Linda Lotz; Esther Richwine; Susquehanna Township; Central Dauphin School Distyrict; curriculum; sex discrimination; teacher union; counselors; reading; sports; student rights; sex education; drug education
page 3
keywords: Joseph Ball; Tony Russo; Daniel Ellsburg; Agnew; John Ehrlichman; Union Deposit Mall; Central Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Council; union labor; Last Tango in Paris; proof of age; Toronto City Council; high rise construction; Chile; junta; President Salvador Allende; censorship; political prisoners
A deadly game cops play
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: In the Public Interest; high-speed police chases; speed governors; police departments; Department of Transportation; "hot" pursuit
The role of the planner
by Ambrose Klain and Jim Wiggins
page 3, page 9
keywords: American Institute of Planners; public housing; slum clearance; Model Cities; urban decay; "The Death and Life of Great American Cities"; social change; education; employment; Cleveland, Ohio; public park; Harrisburg's West Shore; shopping center; zoning; property tax policies; minority interests
Law & order in Harrisburg: a complex question
by Steve Murray
page 4
keywords: law enforcement; public relations; minority police officers; Police Chief Paul D. King; uniformed policemen; discrimination; foot patrol
School rules virgins only as homecoming queens
by LNS
page 4
keywords: Urbana, Ohio; Urbana High School; U.S. District Court; School Superintendent
Welfare: getting the rent money
by Jim Zimmerman
page 6, page 8
keywords: public assistance; Robert J. Hanna; Stepen R. Reed; Chairman of the Dauphin County Board of Assistance; rent deductions; Harrisburg Housing Authority; slum landlords; rent withholding program; welfare recipients
Boycott these wines
by LNS
page 6
keywords: United Farmworkers; iceberg lettuce; grapes; Gallo wines; Franzia Bros. wines; White River Farms
Citizens endorse local candidates
page 7
keywords: Citizens for Responsive Government; progressive candidates; Harold A. Swenson; Stanley R. Lawson; Herbert Goldstein; James Saxton; City Council; revenue sharing; mass transportation; housing; Kathy McCaughin
The kindred spirit of Nixon, Agnew & Ford
by Justin Lewis
page 11
keywords: Book review; The Washington Pay-Off; Robert N. Winter-Berger; President Nixon; Gerald R. Ford; Spiro Agnew; Nathan Voloshen-John McCormick scandal; bigotry
by Jim White
page 1, page 2, page 7
by LNS
page 2
coutesy of the Harrisburg Police Department
page 4
by LNS
page 3, page 6