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Volume 3, Number 21: March 1, 1974 - March 8, 1974

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 1, 1974 - March 8, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 3, Number 21 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from March 1, 1974

Article Index

Weis Markets negotiates with farmworkers

by Marianne Sears

page 2

keywords: United Farm Workers; picketing; Interfaith Committee to Aid Farmworkers; lettuce; grapes; Giant; A & P; Gallo wines

Mayor signs petition to oust South Africa from UN

by Jim Zimmerman

page 2, page 10

keywords: Mayor Harold Swenson; Guinea-Bassau; African National Congress; Thami Mahmbiso; Hubert Humphrey; Ted Kennedy; Harrisburg Committee for Anti-Imperialist Solidarity with African Liberation; Tony Ulen; white regime; discrimination; education; Pennsylvania Social Services Union; Rev. T. S. Clements; Bethel AME Church

Teamster boss supports President Nixon

by LNS

page 2

keywords: Frank E. Fitzsimmons; union members; United Farmworkers Union; James Wechsler; House Judiciary Committee; impeachment; Teamsters Local 1518

Too many doctors?

by Ralph Nader

page 3

keywords: report; foreign medical graduates; American medicine; Dr. Rosemary Stevens; Assistant Secretary for Health; Dr. Charles Edwards; doctor shortage; Cong. Paul Rogers; national health policy

Capitol Insider

by R. C. Filburn

page 2, page 7

keywords: Attorney General Israel Packel; Philadelphia police; corruption; Crime Commission; report; Judge Harry Takiff; city government; grand jury; special prosecutor; Supreme Court; Mayor Rizzo; Pete Camiel; Sen. Buddy Cianfrani; State Police Commissioner Rocco Urella

State environmentalists meet at conference

by Hannah Leavitt

page 4

keywords: Pennsylvania Environmental Council; umbrella organization; Army Corps of Engineers; "Creative Land Management"; land use planning; Citizens Against Ruining the Environment; clean air; water quality; transportation; 'The Blighted Urban Environment'; Environmental Protection Agency; Alan Kirk; automobile traffic; Clean Air Act; Water Pollution Control Act


by Dick Sassaman

page 5

keywords: The Friends of Voltaire; quotes; Evelyn Beatrice Hall; De L'Espirit; law and order; Saturday Review; Adolph Hitler; Winston Churchill; crisis

Harrisburg girls team has winning season

by J. Morris

page 5

keywords: Harrisburg High; Girls basketball team; JHead Coach; Nancy Pautz; Kathy Landis; Cordia Miller; Lolita McCollum; Lynn Moore; Elizabeth Naismith; Junior Varsity

Deserter sent to prison

page 5

keywords: Richard Dean Bucklin; amnesty movement; AWOL; court-martial; bad conduct discharge; confinement; Fort Leavenworth; Fort Carson, Colo.; Vietnam war; less than honorable discharges

Berrigan leads Leavenworth prison protest

by LNS

page 6

keywords: U.S. Penitentiary; march; vigil; Philip Berrigan; Leavenworth Brothers; Warden Loren E, Dagett; solitary confinement; rebellion; Federal Grand Jury; petitions; hunger strikes; work stoppages; racist behavior; rectal search; Leavenworth Brothers Legal Offense/Defense Committee; hunger strike; Odell Bennett


page 9

keywords: quote; prison; Federal Bureau of Prisons; behavior mod program; American Psychological Association; Mother Nature; defoliants; Vietnam; forests; U.S. Judge Gerhard Gesell; army; drug detection; rehab; William Proxmire; lobby; military spending; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Pat-News; movie titles; censorship; "sex"; Dauphin County Black Political Assembly; HIP reporter; press coverage; Capitol Guide

Letters To the Editor

by Gid Walker

page 9

keywords: Federal prison; bail; Sebastian D. Natale; Dauphin County Prison; Arthur Dils; Mann Act; Judge R. Dixon Herman; Gid Walker

South Africa crushes textile workers' strike

by LNS

page 10

keywords: Durban, South Africa; low wages; trade union; activists; house arrest; Frame textile group; Textile Workers Industrial Union; contract laborers; David Hemson; housing; medical benefits

Six of One... a record review

by Dick Sassaman

page 11

keywords: Emerson, Lake and Palmer; Brain Salad Surgery; ELP record; Karn Evil 9; piano; Rock and Roll; Del Shannon, Live in England; Runaway; Dave Mason; It's Like You Never Left; Traffic; Every Woman; Maybe; The Singers; Dennis Coulson; Graham Parsons; Grievous Angel; folk rock; singer songwriter; The Byrds; Emmylou Harris; country rock; The James Montgomery Band; First Time Out; blues tunes; Train; J. Geils Band

Book Review: Shooting Stars

by Jim Flanagan

page 12

keywords: Edited by Annie Leibovitz; pictures; concerts; Dick Sassaman; photographer; rock musicians


by Gene Suchma

page 1

keywords: The Agony and the Fantasy; censor; community standards; nudity


by LNS

page 1

by Wes Johnson

page 2

by William Cartledge, Jr.

page 4

by John Serbell

page 5


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