This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 1, 1974 - March 8, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Weis Markets negotiates with farmworkers
by Marianne Sears
page 2
keywords: United Farm Workers; picketing; Interfaith Committee to Aid Farmworkers; lettuce; grapes; Giant; A & P; Gallo wines
Mayor signs petition to oust South Africa from UN
by Jim Zimmerman
page 2, page 10
keywords: Mayor Harold Swenson; Guinea-Bassau; African National Congress; Thami Mahmbiso; Hubert Humphrey; Ted Kennedy; Harrisburg Committee for Anti-Imperialist Solidarity with African Liberation; Tony Ulen; white regime; discrimination; education; Pennsylvania Social Services Union; Rev. T. S. Clements; Bethel AME Church
Teamster boss supports President Nixon
by LNS
page 2
keywords: Frank E. Fitzsimmons; union members; United Farmworkers Union; James Wechsler; House Judiciary Committee; impeachment; Teamsters Local 1518
Too many doctors?
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: report; foreign medical graduates; American medicine; Dr. Rosemary Stevens; Assistant Secretary for Health; Dr. Charles Edwards; doctor shortage; Cong. Paul Rogers; national health policy
Capitol Insider
by R. C. Filburn
page 2, page 7
keywords: Attorney General Israel Packel; Philadelphia police; corruption; Crime Commission; report; Judge Harry Takiff; city government; grand jury; special prosecutor; Supreme Court; Mayor Rizzo; Pete Camiel; Sen. Buddy Cianfrani; State Police Commissioner Rocco Urella
State environmentalists meet at conference
by Hannah Leavitt
page 4
keywords: Pennsylvania Environmental Council; umbrella organization; Army Corps of Engineers; "Creative Land Management"; land use planning; Citizens Against Ruining the Environment; clean air; water quality; transportation; 'The Blighted Urban Environment'; Environmental Protection Agency; Alan Kirk; automobile traffic; Clean Air Act; Water Pollution Control Act
by Dick Sassaman
page 5
keywords: The Friends of Voltaire; quotes; Evelyn Beatrice Hall; De L'Espirit; law and order; Saturday Review; Adolph Hitler; Winston Churchill; crisis
Harrisburg girls team has winning season
by J. Morris
page 5
keywords: Harrisburg High; Girls basketball team; JHead Coach; Nancy Pautz; Kathy Landis; Cordia Miller; Lolita McCollum; Lynn Moore; Elizabeth Naismith; Junior Varsity
Deserter sent to prison
page 5
keywords: Richard Dean Bucklin; amnesty movement; AWOL; court-martial; bad conduct discharge; confinement; Fort Leavenworth; Fort Carson, Colo.; Vietnam war; less than honorable discharges
Berrigan leads Leavenworth prison protest
by LNS
page 6
keywords: U.S. Penitentiary; march; vigil; Philip Berrigan; Leavenworth Brothers; Warden Loren E, Dagett; solitary confinement; rebellion; Federal Grand Jury; petitions; hunger strikes; work stoppages; racist behavior; rectal search; Leavenworth Brothers Legal Offense/Defense Committee; hunger strike; Odell Bennett
page 9
keywords: quote; prison; Federal Bureau of Prisons; behavior mod program; American Psychological Association; Mother Nature; defoliants; Vietnam; forests; U.S. Judge Gerhard Gesell; army; drug detection; rehab; William Proxmire; lobby; military spending; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Pat-News; movie titles; censorship; "sex"; Dauphin County Black Political Assembly; HIP reporter; press coverage; Capitol Guide
Letters To the Editor
by Gid Walker
page 9
keywords: Federal prison; bail; Sebastian D. Natale; Dauphin County Prison; Arthur Dils; Mann Act; Judge R. Dixon Herman; Gid Walker
South Africa crushes textile workers' strike
by LNS
page 10
keywords: Durban, South Africa; low wages; trade union; activists; house arrest; Frame textile group; Textile Workers Industrial Union; contract laborers; David Hemson; housing; medical benefits
Six of One... a record review
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: Emerson, Lake and Palmer; Brain Salad Surgery; ELP record; Karn Evil 9; piano; Rock and Roll; Del Shannon, Live in England; Runaway; Dave Mason; It's Like You Never Left; Traffic; Every Woman; Maybe; The Singers; Dennis Coulson; Graham Parsons; Grievous Angel; folk rock; singer songwriter; The Byrds; Emmylou Harris; country rock; The James Montgomery Band; First Time Out; blues tunes; Train; J. Geils Band
Book Review: Shooting Stars
by Jim Flanagan
page 12
keywords: Edited by Annie Leibovitz; pictures; concerts; Dick Sassaman; photographer; rock musicians
by Gene Suchma
page 1
keywords: The Agony and the Fantasy; censor; community standards; nudity
by LNS
page 1
by Wes Johnson
page 2
by William Cartledge, Jr.
page 4
by John Serbell
page 5