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Volume 3, Number 15: January 18, 1974 - January 25, 1974

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from January 18, 1974 - January 25, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 3, Number 15 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from January 18, 1974

Article Index

The end of the road: death on skid row

by Jim Wiggins

page 1, page 4, page 7

keywords: Paul Murphy; Phoenix Iron Works; epileptic; barbiturates; alcoholic; Dauphin County Coroner; Dr. Thomas Fritchey; Bill Heinemann; John Bottanari; Public Safety Director; James Straub; police investigation; street derelicts; soup kitchen; de-tox center

Picking a new City Council member

by Stan Luxenberg

page 2, page 8

keywords: executive session; Horatio Leftwich; Stan Lawson; Community Development Forum; John Frye; Citizens for Responsive Government; Marshall Waters; Kathy McCaughin; Corky Goldstein; black people

Huntingdon prison officials seize Attica buttons

by Jim Zimmerman

page 2, page 8

keywords: Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Bob Moore; racism; Randy McCleary; suit; Civil Rights Act; "People's Concert"; newspapers; Zodiac Productions

Pat-News advertises jobs in Vietnam

page 2

keywords: Lear Sigler, Inc; Thieu; aircraft maintenance people; South Viet Namese Air Force; Paris Accords; national reconciliation

Consumers fail to act

by Ralph Nader

page 3

keywords: National Consumers Congress; New York Telephone Company; airline service; Public Citizen Action Manual; marketplace


by Dick Sassaman

page 3

keywords: H. Allen Smith; humorist; How To Write Without Knowing Nothing; Mark Twain; Charles Dudley Warner; "Politics make strange bedfellows"; "Go west, young man, and grow up with the country"; John B. L. Soule; Dictionary of Quotations; Winston Churchill; blood, seat and tears; Marie Antoinette; "Let them eat cake"; W. C. Fields; Leo Rosten

Special education services hit by budget cut

by Todd McIntyre

page 5, page 9

keywords: Capital Area Intermediate Unit; Division of Special Education; Special Education Director William Ohrtman; exceptional children; mentally retarded; emotionally disturbed; hearing impaired; physically handicapped; Dr. Ronald Finkenbinder; office supplies; instructional resources; transportation

Most popular drugs are ineffective

by LNS

page 5, page 9

keywords: cold remedies; "Consumer Reports"; pain reliever; decongestant; antihistamine; dosages; allergic conditions


by R.C. Filburn

page 6

keywords: home mortgage interest rates; Governor's Mortgage Commission; Federal Home Loan Bank Board; Governor's Press Office; House Speaker Ken Lee; Lt. Governor; Drew Lewis; Herbert Denenberg; Wells Keddie; lawsuit; Penn State; Fred Speaker; Tom Menaker; The Illusion Rock Night Club; Jane Fonda; Phil Berrigan; Tom Hayden; Ekizabeth McAlister; AMF

Profs' salaries sliced by state

by Amy Blotcher

page 6

keywords: unfair labor practices; Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculty; Martin Moran; Faculty; administrator; instructor; job classification; teaching degrees

Gay literature

by J. T. Daley

page 7

keywords: Gay Information Service; The Myth and Reality of Male Homosexuality; Peter Fisher; book; stereotype; myths; The Gay Crusaders; Kay Tobin; Randy Wicker; gay liberation; Jack Baker; Reverend Troy Perry; Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches; Dr. Frank Komeny; Del Martin; Phyllis Lyon; Lesbian/Women

Schneebeli at home

page 7

keywords: Herman Schneebeli; Republican Congressman; impeachment; black lung; flood victims; social security disabilities; Harrisburg

Theater: Man as lizard, and God as tour guide

by Dick Sassaman

page 11

keywords: The Night of the Iguana; Tennessee Williams; Harrisburg Community Theater; Pulitzer Prizes; Acapulco, Mexico; Don L. Alsedek; Nonno; Gene Lavery; T. Lawrence Shannon; Frederick Giles; Hannah Jelkes; Carole Gilmour; Miss Judith Fellowes; Lysbeth Oman; Maxine; Dawn Mapel


by Gene Suchma

page 1

keywords: Richard Nixon Playbook; Red Dog; Quarterback Sneak; Statue of Liberty; The Bomb; The Audible

by Medical Committee for Human Rights

page 5


coutesy of the Camera Box

page 11


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