This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from January 18, 1974 - January 25, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
The end of the road: death on skid row
by Jim Wiggins
page 1, page 4, page 7
keywords: Paul Murphy; Phoenix Iron Works; epileptic; barbiturates; alcoholic; Dauphin County Coroner; Dr. Thomas Fritchey; Bill Heinemann; John Bottanari; Public Safety Director; James Straub; police investigation; street derelicts; soup kitchen; de-tox center
Picking a new City Council member
by Stan Luxenberg
page 2, page 8
keywords: executive session; Horatio Leftwich; Stan Lawson; Community Development Forum; John Frye; Citizens for Responsive Government; Marshall Waters; Kathy McCaughin; Corky Goldstein; black people
Huntingdon prison officials seize Attica buttons
by Jim Zimmerman
page 2, page 8
keywords: Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Bob Moore; racism; Randy McCleary; suit; Civil Rights Act; "People's Concert"; newspapers; Zodiac Productions
Pat-News advertises jobs in Vietnam
page 2
keywords: Lear Sigler, Inc; Thieu; aircraft maintenance people; South Viet Namese Air Force; Paris Accords; national reconciliation
Consumers fail to act
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: National Consumers Congress; New York Telephone Company; airline service; Public Citizen Action Manual; marketplace
by Dick Sassaman
page 3
keywords: H. Allen Smith; humorist; How To Write Without Knowing Nothing; Mark Twain; Charles Dudley Warner; "Politics make strange bedfellows"; "Go west, young man, and grow up with the country"; John B. L. Soule; Dictionary of Quotations; Winston Churchill; blood, seat and tears; Marie Antoinette; "Let them eat cake"; W. C. Fields; Leo Rosten
Special education services hit by budget cut
by Todd McIntyre
page 5, page 9
keywords: Capital Area Intermediate Unit; Division of Special Education; Special Education Director William Ohrtman; exceptional children; mentally retarded; emotionally disturbed; hearing impaired; physically handicapped; Dr. Ronald Finkenbinder; office supplies; instructional resources; transportation
Most popular drugs are ineffective
by LNS
page 5, page 9
keywords: cold remedies; "Consumer Reports"; pain reliever; decongestant; antihistamine; dosages; allergic conditions
by R.C. Filburn
page 6
keywords: home mortgage interest rates; Governor's Mortgage Commission; Federal Home Loan Bank Board; Governor's Press Office; House Speaker Ken Lee; Lt. Governor; Drew Lewis; Herbert Denenberg; Wells Keddie; lawsuit; Penn State; Fred Speaker; Tom Menaker; The Illusion Rock Night Club; Jane Fonda; Phil Berrigan; Tom Hayden; Ekizabeth McAlister; AMF
Profs' salaries sliced by state
by Amy Blotcher
page 6
keywords: unfair labor practices; Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculty; Martin Moran; Faculty; administrator; instructor; job classification; teaching degrees
Gay literature
by J. T. Daley
page 7
keywords: Gay Information Service; The Myth and Reality of Male Homosexuality; Peter Fisher; book; stereotype; myths; The Gay Crusaders; Kay Tobin; Randy Wicker; gay liberation; Jack Baker; Reverend Troy Perry; Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches; Dr. Frank Komeny; Del Martin; Phyllis Lyon; Lesbian/Women
Schneebeli at home
page 7
keywords: Herman Schneebeli; Republican Congressman; impeachment; black lung; flood victims; social security disabilities; Harrisburg
Theater: Man as lizard, and God as tour guide
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: The Night of the Iguana; Tennessee Williams; Harrisburg Community Theater; Pulitzer Prizes; Acapulco, Mexico; Don L. Alsedek; Nonno; Gene Lavery; T. Lawrence Shannon; Frederick Giles; Hannah Jelkes; Carole Gilmour; Miss Judith Fellowes; Lysbeth Oman; Maxine; Dawn Mapel
by Gene Suchma
page 1
keywords: Richard Nixon Playbook; Red Dog; Quarterback Sneak; Statue of Liberty; The Bomb; The Audible
by Medical Committee for Human Rights
page 5
coutesy of the Camera Box
page 11