This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from June 22 - June 29, 1973, had 8 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.
Article Index
House chamber embraces gas chamber
by Stan Luxenberg
page 1, page 3, page 4, page 7
keywords: Supreme Court; death penalty; Rep. George Gekas; unconstitutional; deterrence; House Law and Justice Committee; cruel and unusual punishment; executions; Fred Speaker; discrimination; Senate Judiciary Committee; Rep. David Richardson; Rep. Joe Rhodes
LBJ believed CIA helped kill Kennedy
by Jim Wiggins
page 2
keywords: Warren Commission; John F. Kennedy; President Lyndon Johnson; District Attorney Jim Garrison; Fidel Castro; CIA; assassination; Ramsey Clark; E. Howard Hunt; Cinna
Congress goes to court
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: In the Public Interest; Senators; Representatives; Howard J. Phillips; Office of Economic Opportunity; President Nixon; confirmation; Constitution; Price Commission; Indochina; Freedom of Information Act; Civil Aeronautics Board; Bureau of Mines; federal courts; public interest lawyers
Farenthold says women will gradually attain political power
by Kathi Roche
page 2
keywords: Sissy Farenthold; National Political Women's Caucus; George McGovern; commencement address; Penn State's Capitol Campus; candidate; Vice Presidential candidate; women's movement; Texas General Assembly
Pathet Lao capture CIA operative over Laos
by Norman Peagram/PNS
page 3
keywords: Vientiane, Laos; Emmit Kay; POW; saboteurs; cease-fire; Continental Air Services; Meo tribesmen; guerilla camps; Air America; 'advisors'; Pathey Lao negotiators; pilot
ACLU backs amnesty; cites history, Constitution
by Jim White
page 4, page 6
keywords: Henry Swarzschild; war; Vietnam; Selective Service; draft violations; deserters; military justice; racism; less than honorable discharges; civilian protestors; non-violent disobediance; Bella Abzug; discrimination; Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization; Civil War
page 5
keywords: Baltimore Evening Sun; David Lightman; drug dealing; Ocean City, Md.; grand jury; contempt of court; pesticide regulations; farmworkers; George Goodling; fruit growers; Lehigh Valley Cooperative Farmers; House Speaker Kenneth Lee; House secretary Reginald Stimmel; illegal contributions; Committe to Re-Elect the President; Filipino nurses; exchange program; Hahnemann Hospital; cheap labor; Justice Department; House Judiciary Chairman Peter Rodino; Watergate
March shows vitality, life
by Peter Pero
page 5
keywords: People's Coalition for Peace and Justice; "Funds for Life, not Death"; demonstrations; United Farm workers; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Kennedy Center; Watergate Hotel; Anthony Russo; Pentagon Papers; Dick Gregory; CIA; FBI; surveillance; march
by LNS
page 1, page 4
by LNS
page 3
by Peter Pero
page 5