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Volume 2, Number 37: June 22 - June 29, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from June 22 - June 29, 1973, had 8 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 37 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from June 22, 1973

Article Index

House chamber embraces gas chamber

by Stan Luxenberg

page 1, page 3, page 4, page 7

keywords: Supreme Court; death penalty; Rep. George Gekas; unconstitutional; deterrence; House Law and Justice Committee; cruel and unusual punishment; executions; Fred Speaker; discrimination; Senate Judiciary Committee; Rep. David Richardson; Rep. Joe Rhodes

LBJ believed CIA helped kill Kennedy

by Jim Wiggins

page 2

keywords: Warren Commission; John F. Kennedy; President Lyndon Johnson; District Attorney Jim Garrison; Fidel Castro; CIA; assassination; Ramsey Clark; E. Howard Hunt; Cinna

Congress goes to court

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: In the Public Interest; Senators; Representatives; Howard J. Phillips; Office of Economic Opportunity; President Nixon; confirmation; Constitution; Price Commission; Indochina; Freedom of Information Act; Civil Aeronautics Board; Bureau of Mines; federal courts; public interest lawyers

Farenthold says women will gradually attain political power

by Kathi Roche

page 2

keywords: Sissy Farenthold; National Political Women's Caucus; George McGovern; commencement address; Penn State's Capitol Campus; candidate; Vice Presidential candidate; women's movement; Texas General Assembly

Pathet Lao capture CIA operative over Laos

by Norman Peagram/PNS

page 3

keywords: Vientiane, Laos; Emmit Kay; POW; saboteurs; cease-fire; Continental Air Services; Meo tribesmen; guerilla camps; Air America; 'advisors'; Pathey Lao negotiators; pilot

ACLU backs amnesty; cites history, Constitution

by Jim White

page 4, page 6

keywords: Henry Swarzschild; war; Vietnam; Selective Service; draft violations; deserters; military justice; racism; less than honorable discharges; civilian protestors; non-violent disobediance; Bella Abzug; discrimination; Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization; Civil War


page 5

keywords: Baltimore Evening Sun; David Lightman; drug dealing; Ocean City, Md.; grand jury; contempt of court; pesticide regulations; farmworkers; George Goodling; fruit growers; Lehigh Valley Cooperative Farmers; House Speaker Kenneth Lee; House secretary Reginald Stimmel; illegal contributions; Committe to Re-Elect the President; Filipino nurses; exchange program; Hahnemann Hospital; cheap labor; Justice Department; House Judiciary Chairman Peter Rodino; Watergate

March shows vitality, life

by Peter Pero

page 5

keywords: People's Coalition for Peace and Justice; "Funds for Life, not Death"; demonstrations; United Farm workers; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Kennedy Center; Watergate Hotel; Anthony Russo; Pentagon Papers; Dick Gregory; CIA; FBI; surveillance; march


by LNS

page 1, page 4


by LNS

page 3

by Peter Pero

page 5


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