This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from June 15 - June 22, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Behind welfare fraud, one man's story
by Jim Zimmerman
page 1, page 9
keywords: racism; heroin addict; rehabilitation; WIN; work incentive program; Dauphin County Board of Assistance; computer school; prison; methadone maintenance
This man could stop the bombing
page 2
keywords: Rep. Herman T. Schneebeli; bombing of Cambodia; Nixon administration; Long Amendment; Eagleton Amendment
The great beverage swindle
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: consumer prices; soft drink industry; Federal Trade Commission; small bottlers; dairy producers; Antitrust Division; Senate Agriculture and Forestry Committee; National consumers Congress; Sen. Philip Hart; In the Public Interest
Watergate roots run deep
by Vietnam Veterans Against the War
page 2, page 4, page 8
keywords: Winter Soldier; Nixon administration; 'Checkers speech'; slush fund; William Rodgers; Maurice Stans; Hughes Tool Co.; TWA; Pat Brown; California; Defense contracts; Nixon Campaign Committee; Murray Chotiner; political espionage; sabotage
Open college: a radical approach to education
by Susan Hoch
page 3
keywords: State Department of Education; Debra Weiner; correspondence course; work-study program; University Without Walls; academic standards; Board of Education; Ben Ramon; Pennsylvania Open College
A renovated old house is better than new
by Stan Luxenburg
page 4
keywords: architecture; Jack Snyder; Peffer Street; Federal Urban Renewal project; Ben Ramon; Nixon administration; budget cuts; Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority; rehabilitate
Zoning: 50 years of profit and wasted land
by Ambrose Klain
page 5, page 8
keywords: environmental crisis; urban areas; land pollution; Euclid vs. The Amber Real Estate Company; land use; Alfred Bettman; Supreme Court; segregation; free enterprise; zoning ordinance; variance; urban sprawl; public interest; housing; education; Councils of Government; discriminatory zoning practices; California Tomorrow Plan; Hawaiian Land Use Act
March from Watergate to Justice
by People's Coalition for Peace and Justice
page 6
keywords: Washington; State Department; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Office of Management and Budget; White House; Labor; IRS; Justice Department
A new abortion-menstruation technique
by Hannah Leavitt
page 7, page 11
keywords: menstrual evacuation; dilation and curretage; period delay; abortion; vacuum curretage; Vabra aspirator; Denmark; Dr. Shue Hammond
page 8
keywords: Senate Watergate hearings; CREEP; George Wallace; American Nazi Party; Attorney General Elliott Richardson; Archibald Cox; VVAW; Phillipines; Morton Halperin; Henry Kissinger; Alex Haig; election campaign; Rep. Joshua Ellsburg; grand jury system; elections; Sen. Ted Kennedy; U.S. Rep. Herbert; House Armed Services Committee; Army War College; draftresisters; deserters; amnesty; University of Michigan students; head-shaving; campus demonstrations; jail; out-of-court settlement
Books The news media and bias, liberal or right-wing?
by Dick Sassaman
page 9
keywords: The Effete Conspiracy (and other crimes by the press); Ben H. Bagdikian; Lyndon Johnson; "Press Agent - But Still President"; Washington Post; Columbia Journalism Review; newsman; classified information; Harper's; The Populist Manifesto; PR; Spiro Agnew; conservative press
by Dick Sassaman
page 10
keywords: Paul McCartney and Wings; Red Rose Speedway; eatles; My Love; Billboard; Stevie Wonder; Nicky Hopkins; The Tin Man Was a Dreamer; studio pianist; Stones; Waitinf For the Band; Eagles; Desperado; outlaws; Tower of Power; What is Hip
For summer fun --- go to a drive-in!
page 10
keywords: Shore; Harrisburg; Silver Spring; Haar's; Pine Grove; Keystone; Amity Hall; Halifax; 'Easy Rider; 'Dollars'; 'Cisco Pike'; Filmore concert; Concert for Bangladesh
page 11
keywords: Sounder; Cicely Tyson; Last Tango in Paris; Marlon Brando; Maria Schneider; Adventure; Romance; Prime Cut; Gene Hackman; Lee Marvin; The Concert for Bangladesh; Everything/Sex/Ask; Woody Allen
by LNS
page 1, page 3
by LNS
page 2, page 7