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Volume 2, Number 36: June 15 - June 22, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from June 15 - June 22, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 36 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from June 15, 1973

Article Index

Behind welfare fraud, one man's story

by Jim Zimmerman

page 1, page 9

keywords: racism; heroin addict; rehabilitation; WIN; work incentive program; Dauphin County Board of Assistance; computer school; prison; methadone maintenance

This man could stop the bombing

page 2

keywords: Rep. Herman T. Schneebeli; bombing of Cambodia; Nixon administration; Long Amendment; Eagleton Amendment

The great beverage swindle

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: consumer prices; soft drink industry; Federal Trade Commission; small bottlers; dairy producers; Antitrust Division; Senate Agriculture and Forestry Committee; National consumers Congress; Sen. Philip Hart; In the Public Interest

Watergate roots run deep

by Vietnam Veterans Against the War

page 2, page 4, page 8

keywords: Winter Soldier; Nixon administration; 'Checkers speech'; slush fund; William Rodgers; Maurice Stans; Hughes Tool Co.; TWA; Pat Brown; California; Defense contracts; Nixon Campaign Committee; Murray Chotiner; political espionage; sabotage

Open college: a radical approach to education

by Susan Hoch

page 3

keywords: State Department of Education; Debra Weiner; correspondence course; work-study program; University Without Walls; academic standards; Board of Education; Ben Ramon; Pennsylvania Open College

A renovated old house is better than new

by Stan Luxenburg

page 4

keywords: architecture; Jack Snyder; Peffer Street; Federal Urban Renewal project; Ben Ramon; Nixon administration; budget cuts; Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority; rehabilitate

Zoning: 50 years of profit and wasted land

by Ambrose Klain

page 5, page 8

keywords: environmental crisis; urban areas; land pollution; Euclid vs. The Amber Real Estate Company; land use; Alfred Bettman; Supreme Court; segregation; free enterprise; zoning ordinance; variance; urban sprawl; public interest; housing; education; Councils of Government; discriminatory zoning practices; California Tomorrow Plan; Hawaiian Land Use Act

March from Watergate to Justice

by People's Coalition for Peace and Justice

page 6

keywords: Washington; State Department; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Office of Management and Budget; White House; Labor; IRS; Justice Department

A new abortion-menstruation technique

by Hannah Leavitt

page 7, page 11

keywords: menstrual evacuation; dilation and curretage; period delay; abortion; vacuum curretage; Vabra aspirator; Denmark; Dr. Shue Hammond


page 8

keywords: Senate Watergate hearings; CREEP; George Wallace; American Nazi Party; Attorney General Elliott Richardson; Archibald Cox; VVAW; Phillipines; Morton Halperin; Henry Kissinger; Alex Haig; election campaign; Rep. Joshua Ellsburg; grand jury system; elections; Sen. Ted Kennedy; U.S. Rep. Herbert; House Armed Services Committee; Army War College; draftresisters; deserters; amnesty; University of Michigan students; head-shaving; campus demonstrations; jail; out-of-court settlement

Books The news media and bias, liberal or right-wing?

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: The Effete Conspiracy (and other crimes by the press); Ben H. Bagdikian; Lyndon Johnson; "Press Agent - But Still President"; Washington Post; Columbia Journalism Review; newsman; classified information; Harper's; The Populist Manifesto; PR; Spiro Agnew; conservative press


by Dick Sassaman

page 10

keywords: Paul McCartney and Wings; Red Rose Speedway; eatles; My Love; Billboard; Stevie Wonder; Nicky Hopkins; The Tin Man Was a Dreamer; studio pianist; Stones; Waitinf For the Band; Eagles; Desperado; outlaws; Tower of Power; What is Hip

For summer fun --- go to a drive-in!

page 10

keywords: Shore; Harrisburg; Silver Spring; Haar's; Pine Grove; Keystone; Amity Hall; Halifax; 'Easy Rider; 'Dollars'; 'Cisco Pike'; Filmore concert; Concert for Bangladesh


page 11

keywords: Sounder; Cicely Tyson; Last Tango in Paris; Marlon Brando; Maria Schneider; Adventure; Romance; Prime Cut; Gene Hackman; Lee Marvin; The Concert for Bangladesh; Everything/Sex/Ask; Woody Allen


by LNS

page 1, page 3


by LNS

page 2, page 7


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