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Volume 2, Number 29: April 27 - May 4, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from April 27 - May 4, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 29 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from April 27, 1973

Article Index

What price flood control for North Harrisburg?

by Susan Hoch

page 1, page 7

keywords: flood control projects; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; public hearing; Paxton Creek; wall; Front Street; cost ratio analysis; Wendell Banks; Harrisburg Uptown Neighbors Together; Paul E. Doutrich; City Council; Susquehanna River Valley; Chamber of Commerce; Clifford Dillman; Coalition Against Ruining the Environment; impoundment of flood waters; Environmental Impact Statement; Corps Planning Division; J. Nelson

Unofficial report says Marines in Cambodia

by LNS

page 1, page 7

keywords: National Lawyers Guild; Okinawa; Military Law Office; Army of the Republic of South Vietnam

Well do we?

by Jim Flanagan

page 2, page 6

keywords: pornographic movie ads; Harrisburg Independent Press; sexism; editorial policy

A consumer congress is born

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: meat boycott; National Consumer Congress; Jan Alfaro; Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen; meat prices; agribusiness corporations; commodities markets

Letters to the Editor

page 2, page 8

keywords: Helene Wohlgemuth; "Project SWEEP"; Secretary of Welfare; quality control; public assistance; Shapp administration; prison protest; Medical Center for Federal Prisoners; Federal Bureau of Prisons; START program; behavior modication; Edward Sanchez; Norman Carlson; Springfield, Missouri; veterans' benefits; Dennis L. Boyer; Veterans Bonus Coalition; GI bill

Angela Davis on keeping it together

by Angela Davis

page 3, page 6

keywords: speech; political prisoners; Nixon administration; communism; Debbie Smith; Wounded Knee; racism; Ruchell McGee; North Carolina; Rev. Ben Chapin; conspiracy; Attica; Dauphin County Jail

Pushbuttion death / 'Nixon era' bomber requires no pilot

by Tom Hart/PNS

page 4

keywords: Remotely Piloted Vehicle; RPV; drone bomber; aviation electronics; Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical; Robert Schwanhausser; reconnaisance; Vietnam War; Pave Eagle; Tactical Air Command; Soviet Union; Dugway Proving Ground; China; espionage

Tuscarora Indians demonstrate in North Carolina

page 5

keywords: Indian civil rights; Raleigh; Chief Howard Brooks; Robeson County; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Tuscarora reservation; United Tuscaropra Peoples;

Paxtang clean-up set

page 5

keywords: Paxtang Parkway; litter; boy scour; girl scout; cub scout; trash


page 6

keywords: Watergate; Haldeman; Ehrlichman; John Dean; Jeb Magruder; Attorney General John Mitchell; President Nixon; U.S. bombing; Cambodia; U.S. Marines; Henry Kissinger; Supreme Court; oil spills; reserve commissions; public school financing; reporter; contempt conviction; highway construction; mass-transit; Highway Trust Fund; Shaker High School; Theodore Goetz; Latham, N.Y.; pledge; Army doctor; Captain Howard levy; Uniform Code of Military Justice; unconstitutional

Gainesville 8 subpoena Mitchell

page 6

keywords: Judge Winston E. Arnow; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; pretrial hearings; John Mitchell; James McCord; Alfred Baldwin III; GOP national convention; "gag rule"; Law Center for Constitutional Rights

Dams vs. levees / an historical fight

page 7

keywords: Tennessee Valley Authority; Arthur E. Morgan; Dams and Other Disasters; U.S. Corps of Engineers; reservoirs; flood control; Lower Mississippi Valley; floodwalls

'Our Bodies, Ourselves'; by and for women

by Hannah Leavitt

page 8

keywords: Book Review; Boston Women's Health Book Collective; female body; 'by and for women'; reproductive system; nutrition; exercise; self-defense; old age; doctors; hospitals; childbirth; female hormonal cycle; parental role; extra-marital sex; lesbian

This world: a comedy to those who think

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: George Carlin; Tonight; Ed Sullivan Show; FM & AM; "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television; WINO; Al Sleet, the hippy-dippy weather man; Cellar Door; Lenny Bruce; Class Clown; parochial school; Millersville State College; Woody Allen; Jonathan Winters; movie maker; stand-up comic; The Night Club Yeats 1964-1968; Laugh...Live; Record Reviews


page 10

keywords: Minnie and Moskovitz; Gena Rowlands; Seymour Cassel; John Cassavates; The Emigrants: Liv Ullman; Max von Sydow; Jan Troell; Deliverance; Jon Voight; Burt Reynolds; Dueling Banjos; The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean; Paul Newman; John Huston; Black Violence Films; Book of Numbers; Raymond St. Jacques; Fred Williamson; Black Caesar; Shamus; Burt Reynolds; Dyan Cannon; Class of '44; The Poseiden Adventure; Gene Hackman; Ernest Borgnine Shelley Winters


page 11

keywords: The Beatles 1962-1966; The Beatles 1967-1970; Rubber Soul; Flo and Eddie; Mark Volman; Howard Kaylan; William saint James; A Song for Every Mood; Bill Kirkland; Anne Wilcox; Jim Wilson; vocal harmony; Ronnie Dyson; One Man Band; Hair


by LNS

page 1

by Flanagan

page 1, page 2, page 3

by Hoch

page 7

by Popkin

page 8


by LNS

page 4

by Snooky

page 6


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