This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from April 27 - May 4, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
What price flood control for North Harrisburg?
by Susan Hoch
page 1, page 7
keywords: flood control projects; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; public hearing; Paxton Creek; wall; Front Street; cost ratio analysis; Wendell Banks; Harrisburg Uptown Neighbors Together; Paul E. Doutrich; City Council; Susquehanna River Valley; Chamber of Commerce; Clifford Dillman; Coalition Against Ruining the Environment; impoundment of flood waters; Environmental Impact Statement; Corps Planning Division; J. Nelson
Unofficial report says Marines in Cambodia
by LNS
page 1, page 7
keywords: National Lawyers Guild; Okinawa; Military Law Office; Army of the Republic of South Vietnam
Well do we?
by Jim Flanagan
page 2, page 6
keywords: pornographic movie ads; Harrisburg Independent Press; sexism; editorial policy
A consumer congress is born
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: meat boycott; National Consumer Congress; Jan Alfaro; Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen; meat prices; agribusiness corporations; commodities markets
Letters to the Editor
page 2, page 8
keywords: Helene Wohlgemuth; "Project SWEEP"; Secretary of Welfare; quality control; public assistance; Shapp administration; prison protest; Medical Center for Federal Prisoners; Federal Bureau of Prisons; START program; behavior modication; Edward Sanchez; Norman Carlson; Springfield, Missouri; veterans' benefits; Dennis L. Boyer; Veterans Bonus Coalition; GI bill
Angela Davis on keeping it together
by Angela Davis
page 3, page 6
keywords: speech; political prisoners; Nixon administration; communism; Debbie Smith; Wounded Knee; racism; Ruchell McGee; North Carolina; Rev. Ben Chapin; conspiracy; Attica; Dauphin County Jail
Pushbuttion death / 'Nixon era' bomber requires no pilot
by Tom Hart/PNS
page 4
keywords: Remotely Piloted Vehicle; RPV; drone bomber; aviation electronics; Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical; Robert Schwanhausser; reconnaisance; Vietnam War; Pave Eagle; Tactical Air Command; Soviet Union; Dugway Proving Ground; China; espionage
Tuscarora Indians demonstrate in North Carolina
page 5
keywords: Indian civil rights; Raleigh; Chief Howard Brooks; Robeson County; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Tuscarora reservation; United Tuscaropra Peoples;
Paxtang clean-up set
page 5
keywords: Paxtang Parkway; litter; boy scour; girl scout; cub scout; trash
page 6
keywords: Watergate; Haldeman; Ehrlichman; John Dean; Jeb Magruder; Attorney General John Mitchell; President Nixon; U.S. bombing; Cambodia; U.S. Marines; Henry Kissinger; Supreme Court; oil spills; reserve commissions; public school financing; reporter; contempt conviction; highway construction; mass-transit; Highway Trust Fund; Shaker High School; Theodore Goetz; Latham, N.Y.; pledge; Army doctor; Captain Howard levy; Uniform Code of Military Justice; unconstitutional
Gainesville 8 subpoena Mitchell
page 6
keywords: Judge Winston E. Arnow; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; pretrial hearings; John Mitchell; James McCord; Alfred Baldwin III; GOP national convention; "gag rule"; Law Center for Constitutional Rights
Dams vs. levees / an historical fight
page 7
keywords: Tennessee Valley Authority; Arthur E. Morgan; Dams and Other Disasters; U.S. Corps of Engineers; reservoirs; flood control; Lower Mississippi Valley; floodwalls
'Our Bodies, Ourselves'; by and for women
by Hannah Leavitt
page 8
keywords: Book Review; Boston Women's Health Book Collective; female body; 'by and for women'; reproductive system; nutrition; exercise; self-defense; old age; doctors; hospitals; childbirth; female hormonal cycle; parental role; extra-marital sex; lesbian
This world: a comedy to those who think
by Dick Sassaman
page 9
keywords: George Carlin; Tonight; Ed Sullivan Show; FM & AM; "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television; WINO; Al Sleet, the hippy-dippy weather man; Cellar Door; Lenny Bruce; Class Clown; parochial school; Millersville State College; Woody Allen; Jonathan Winters; movie maker; stand-up comic; The Night Club Yeats 1964-1968; Laugh...Live; Record Reviews
page 10
keywords: Minnie and Moskovitz; Gena Rowlands; Seymour Cassel; John Cassavates; The Emigrants: Liv Ullman; Max von Sydow; Jan Troell; Deliverance; Jon Voight; Burt Reynolds; Dueling Banjos; The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean; Paul Newman; John Huston; Black Violence Films; Book of Numbers; Raymond St. Jacques; Fred Williamson; Black Caesar; Shamus; Burt Reynolds; Dyan Cannon; Class of '44; The Poseiden Adventure; Gene Hackman; Ernest Borgnine Shelley Winters
page 11
keywords: The Beatles 1962-1966; The Beatles 1967-1970; Rubber Soul; Flo and Eddie; Mark Volman; Howard Kaylan; William saint James; A Song for Every Mood; Bill Kirkland; Anne Wilcox; Jim Wilson; vocal harmony; Ronnie Dyson; One Man Band; Hair
by LNS
page 1
by Flanagan
page 1, page 2, page 3
by Hoch
page 7
by Popkin
page 8
by LNS
page 4
by Snooky
page 6