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Volume 2, Number 28: April 20 - April 27, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from April 20 - April 27, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 28 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from April 20, 1973

Article Index

Gekas says 'happy trails to you,' but no snowmobiles

by Hannah Leavitt

page 1, page 8

keywords: Colin Fletcher; hiking; "The Complete Walker"; Appalachian Trail; snowmobiles; House Bills 189 and 190; Rep. George Gekas; Earl Shaffer; Sierra Club; Keystone Trails Association

State ups quaaludes; now it's a felony

page 1

keywords: methaqualone; felony; J. Finton Speller; Secretary of Health; Controlled Substance, Device and Cosmetic Act; National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse; Raymond P. Shafer

The latest meat poison

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: In the Public Interest; hexachlorobenzine; U.S. Department of Agriculture; Meat and Poultry Inspection Program; Food and Drug Administration; Environmental Protection Agency; contaminant; fungicide; John E. Spaulding

Letters to the Editor

page 2

keywords: Anne Shumway; York Action for Peace and Justice; Cambodia; South Vietnam; bombing; Nixon Administration; Thieu regime

CBS & WHP TV versus 'Sticks & Bones'

by John Serbell

page 3, page 8

keywords: disabled Vietnam veteran; David Rabe; CBS executives; POWs; network programming; TV license renewals; FCC; Joseph Higgins; Clay Whitehead; Shakespeare Festival Play

Vietnam comes home to roost at Wounded Knee

by Jim Wiggins

page 4, page 7

keywords: Ted Glick; American Indian Movement; Harrisburg 7; Independent Oglala Sioux Nation; Pine Ridge reservation; peace pipe; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Viet Cong; 'scorched earth policy'

How to fill out your congressman's questionnaire

by Susan Hoch

page 5

keywords: U.S. Rep. Herman T. Schneebeli; President Nixon; budget; federal spending; Friends Committee on National Legislation; housing; transportation; education; highway trust funds; Social Security; miliary budget

YIPPIES get stoned

by Tom Watts

page 5

keywords: Youth International Party; Prisoners of Weed; smoke-ins; marijuana; J-Day; Pennsylvania YIP; demonstrations

Will the Phillipines be America's new Vietnam

by Paul Ross/Pacific News Service

page 6

keywords: Muslims; "Muslim Revolutionary Forces"; Sulu Islands; Mindinao; F-86s; President Marcos; Manila; Ilagas; Luzon Island; New People's Army; U.S. government; Spanish colonization

Nixon asks classification law

page 7

keywords: classified information; President Nixon; Justice Department; Pentagon Papers; Daniel Ellsburg; Anthony Russo; espionage; Federal Criminal Code; national security; Judge Wm. Matthew Byrne; national defense


page 7

keywords: American automakers; Environmental Protection Agency; William Ruckelshaus; federal pollution standards; Nixon Administration; Honda; Mazda; drug searches; Volkswagen vans; immigration; Attorney General Richard Kleindienst; customs officials; Mexicans; President Nixon; unemployment compensation; farm workers; striking workers; Department of Environmental Resources; Pennsy Supply; air pollution; Congressman Wright Patman; lobbying; price-freeze bill; Pablo Picasso; Republican National Committee; John Lofton; communist

Harrisburg opera: somewhere a place for us

by Dick Sassaman

page 8

keywords: Harrisburg Civic Opera; Harrisburg Community Theater; Mozart; The Impresario; Gian Carlo Menotti; The Medium; Kenneth landis; A.J. Moulfair; Charles Schulz; Mr. Scruples; John Kindervater; Madame Baba; supernatural; Emalee Thompson

Crime pays, especially at local theaters

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: movies; Sleuth; The Godfather; crime; death; Laurence Olivier; Michael Caine; Marlon Brando; Al Pacino; detective story writer; Tony-award; Mario Puzo; Vito Corleone; Cosa Nostra; Mafia; Francis Coppola; Union Deposit Cinema; Trans-Lux Theaters


page 10

keywords: Brother Sun, Sister Moon; Franco Zefferelli; St. Francis of Assisi; Graham Faulkner; Judi Bowker; Alec Guinness; The Poseiden Adventure; Gene Hackman; Ernest Borgnine; Shelley Winters; Class of '44; Deliverance; Jon Voight; Burt Reynolds; Dueling Banjos; Jeremiah Johnson; Robert Redford; Pete 'n Tillie; Walter Mathau; Carol Burnett; B;ack Violence Films; Book of Numbers; Black Caesar; Jim Brown; Slaughter; Manin the Wilderness; Richard Harris; Slaughterhouse 5; Kurt Vonnegut; Michael Sacks; Billy Pilgrim; P.O.W.


by Dick Sassaman

page 11

keywords: Beck, Bogert, Appice; Lady; Led Zeppelin; Houses of the Holy; Jimmy Page; Robert Plant; John Paul Jones; Silverhead; Michael Des Barres


by Hoch

page 1

by LNS

page 4

by Adams

page 8


by LNS

page 3, page 6

by Truesdale

page 5


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