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Volume 2, Number 24: March 23 - March 30, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 23 - March 30, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 24 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from March 23, 1973

Article Index

Mental patients' rights: a new struggle

by Barb Alushin

page 1, page 6, page 7

keywords: Harrisburg State Hpospital; American Civil Liberties Union Task Force on Mental Patients' Rights; "Patient Rights Manual"; Bob Colman; mental health programs; Philadelphia Patients Rights Project; suicide; Bruce Ennis; Wyatt v. Stickney; Dr. William Beach; peonage; involuntary commitment; voluntary commitment; Vivian Hain; Ken Collins; Shirley Thompson; migrant farm workers; Youth Information Centers

A letter from inside

page 1, page 7

keywords: Harrisburg State Hopital; suicides; retarded center; Dr. Herzel; Helene Wohlgemuth; Physical Care Center; patients' rights; shock treatments

Smashing Legal Services

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: In the Public Interest; Office of Economic Opportunity; Howard J. Phillips; Indianapolis Legal Services; consumers; tenants; workers; President; Sen. Harrison Williams; Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee

Letters to the Editor

page 2

keywords: Attica Brigade; student movement; U.S. imperialism; tuition hikes; war research; national liberation struggles

The issues behind the Wounded Knee takeover

by LNS

page 3

keywords: Pine Ridge Reservation; Oglala Sioux; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Senator Edward Kennedy; Secretary of Interior Rogers C.B. Morton; Richard Wilson; Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization; Ghost Bear; unemployment; Black Elk; Crow Dog; Dennis Banks; Attica; American Indian Movement; massacre

Welfare: Who's getting swept by SWEEP?

by Jim Flanagan

page 4

keywords: Gov. Milton J. Shapp; Welfare Secretary Helene Wohlgemuth; welfare fraud; Jim Zimmerman; Dauphin County Board of Assistance; clerical errors; Republicans; Jerry Kline

Venezuela: Marlboro Country's back 40

by Fred Solowey

page 5, page 6

keywords: Caracas; United States corporations; Kelloggs; Del Monte; Kentucky Fried Chicken; oil companies; multinational corporations; Venezuelan economy; slums; ranchitos; President Raphael Caldera; Minister of Finance Pedro Tinoco; Chase Manhattan Bank; student radicalism; CIA


page 6

keywords: U.S. Senate; public disclosure; profits; Cost of Living Council; Economic Stabilization Act; Pennsylvania Senators Scott and Schweiker; Reynaldo Pico; Watergate; Bernard Barker; anti-war demonstrations; Sen. Howard Hughes; Steelworkers President I.W. Abel; crime and punishment; deterrence; death penalty; Justice Department; ITT; anti-trust suit; SEC; Spiro Agnew; John Ehrlichman; campaign contributions; peonage; mental institutions; lawsuit; Fair Labor Dtandards Act; National Association for Mental Health; American Association on Mental Deficiency

British order Derry soldier to shoot children

by LNS

page 7

keywords: Dublin; Ireland; George Henry Williams; British Army; "Bloody Sunday"; civil rights march; Britisn deserters; peace-keeping

Burgess on writing

by J. L. Matthews

page 8, page 11

keywords: Anthony Burgess; Bloomsburg State College; "A Clockwork Orange"; Stanley Kubrick; lecture; City College of New York; Napolean; "Cyrano"; Shakespeare; teacher; playright; novelist; poetry; Norman Mailer; J.D. Salinger; musical composer

What Burgess writes

by Dick Sassaman

page 8

keywords: One Hand Clapping; British Foreign Service; Janet Barnes; Howard; TV quiz show; Over and Over; The Good Soldier

Edgar Winter live, transforming AM rock

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: White Trash; Hershey Arena; Gentle Giant; Octopus; J. Geils Band; Full House; Peter Wolf; The Edgar Winter Group; Dan Hartman; Frankenstein


page 10

keywords: Jeremiah Johnson; Robert Redford; The Great Waltz; Johann Strauss; Horst Bucholz; Up the Sandbox: Barbara Streisand; Che Guevera; Diamonds are Forever; On Her Majesty's Secret Service; Bond; Sean Connery; The Poseiden Adventure; The Valachi Papers; Charles Bronson; Sleuth; Laurence Olivier; Michael Caine


by LNS

page 1, page 5


by LNS

page 3, page 7

courtesy of Challege

page 4

by Bohner

page 8


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