This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 2 - March 9, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Wendell Banks: From the Panthers to the polls
by Jim Wiggins
page 1, page 6
keywords: Panther Party, breakfast program, hot lunch programs, Democratic candidate, Harrisburg City Council, YMCA, Harrisburg Uptown Neighbors Together, police department, Bobby Seale, Health Education and Welfare Department
More auto ballyhoo
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: In the Public Interest, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, air pollution control, emission standards, Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Act, Honda, Mazda, California law, Justice Department, grand jury, consent agreement, internal combustion engine, Automobile Manufacturers Association
Letters to the Editor
page 2
keywords: Filburn, cease-fire agreement, Vietnamese people, terror bombing, Weather Underground, Charles A. Glackin, amnesty, Ramsey Clark, Southeast Asia, The Advocates
RAND: Child and father of war
by John Kincaid and Tony Russo
page 3, page 11
keywords: Daniel Ellsburg, Pentagon Papers trial, radar, atomic bomb, military research, Air Force, Douglas Aircraft Company, economists, psychologists, political scientists, social scientists, civil-defense programs, Viet Nam, war games, international security, Latin America, weapons, James Schlesinger, I. Whitehead, "national security", "pacification"
Wheels fail to turn on transportation crisis
by Jon Simon
page 4
keywords: transportation authority, mass transit, Mayor Harold Swenson, Harrisburg Railways Company, Public Utilities Commission, transportation study, county commissioners, Dauphin County, Cumberland County, Commissioner Charles Hoy, Commissioner Jeb Stuart, bi-county authority
UFW warns state of contaminated lettuce
by Jim Flanagan
page 5
keywords: United Farm Workers, Monitor 4, Food and Drug Administration, California, migrant farm workers, California Department of Agriculture, Imperial Valley, Pennsylvania Agriculture Department, Chevron Chemical Company, pesticide
Parking lots multiply under city ordinance
by Hannah Leavitt
page 5, page 11
keywords: Harrisburg Department of Planning, Charles Pugh, off-street parking, "grandfather clause", historic landmarks, commuter traffic, urban landscape, mass transit, Harrisburg Railway Co.
If you liked Nam, you'll love Mozambique
by Mr. Radford
page 7
keywords: Lourenzo Marques, strategic hamlets, Vietnam, napalm, Portugal, black revolutionary armies, South Africa, Rhodesia, Mozambique Liberation Front, FRELIMO, Portugese troops, China, Dr. Eduardo Mondlane, Cabora Bassa, mineral deposits, guerrilla war
page 8
keywords: Supreme Court, desertion, Ralph Nader, possession of marijuana, unconstitutional, fair trial, Mississippi, abortion, Texas, vagrancy law, disclosure suit, CIA, William Richardson, foreign governments, National Secrecy Act, marijuana use, legalization, demonstrators, federal antipoverty programs, Office of Economic Opportunity, administration cuts, Alan and Margaret McSurely, radical organizers, strip-mining, Sen. John McCllelan, contempt of Congress, portrait, Spiro Agnew
Jimi Hendrix in words and music
by Dick Sassaman
page 9
keywords: Arts Review, Chris Welch, Melody Maker, biography, guitarist, Monterey Pop Festival, Mitch Mitchell, Noel Redding, Billy Cox, barbituate intoxication, Cry of Love, Buddy Miles, Ocean Books
DuBois commemoration set
by Wes Johnson
page 10
keywords: W. E. B. DuBois, Black Liberation, Camp Curtin YMCA, NAACP, Niagra Movement, Pan-Africanism, Communist Party, socialism, Prague
page 10
keywords: The Heartbreak Kid, Neil Simon, Eddie Albert, Jeannie Berlin, Shamus, Burt Reynolds, Dyan Cannon, The Emigrants, Jam Troell, Max von Sydow, Liv Ullman, N. Y. Foilm Critics Award, Steelyard Blues, Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Peter Boyle, The World's Greatest Athlete, Walt Disney, Jan-Michael Vincent, Tim Conway
page 11
keywords: Compost, Life is Round, jazz, Dusty Springfield, Cameo, Dennis Lambert, Brian Potter, Mama's Little Girl
by LNS
page 3, page 7
by Flanagan
page 1, page 4
by LNS
page 5