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Volume 2, Number 14: January 12 - January 19, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from January 12 - January 19, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 14 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from January 12, 1973

Article Index

The York Case: Does 1 Wiretap Lead to Another?

by Jim Wiggins

page 1, page 8

keywords: AMF bomb factory, antiwar radicals, Anne Shumway, Shumway farm, York County grand jury, Charles A. Glackin, federal conpiracy statute, state conspiracy statute, sabotage of railroad tracks, seminarians, State Police Commissioner Rocco P. Urella, Attorney General J. Shane Creamer

What's 'Whiter than White'?

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: "optival brighteners", In the Public Interest, cancer, skin cream, cosmetics, Swedish Food and Drug Administration, Food andDrug Administration, chemicals, waterways, consumers, Proctor and Gamble

Letters To the Editor

page 2

keywords: Duane Johnson, geodesic dome, China

A 'Swift' Solution to City Transportation Troubles

by Jonathan Simon

page 3

keywords: Harley L. Swift, transportation consultant, Harrisburg Area Transportation Study, commuter trains, Harrisburg Railways Co., public transit, private transit, streetcar, omnibus

Girl Athletes Charge Sexism

by Charles Shields

page 3, page 12

keywords: women physical education teachers, girls' athletic teams, Central Pennsylvania high schools, inequality in women's athletics

Thousands expected to protest at inaugural

by Jim Flanagan

page 4

keywords: President Nixon, Washington, D.C., Inauguration Day, People's Coalition for Peace and Justice, Christmas bomcing of Hanoi, "March Against Death", Vietnam

Divorce Pennsylvania Style: A Legal Nightmare

by Hannah Leavitt

page 5, page 12

keywords: divorce law, common property, child support, "indignities", uncontested divorce, Legal Aid, master, mutually consenting adults

A Black Man Looks at the New Black Movies

by JohnSerbell

page 6, page 8, page 9

keywords: movie critics, Sounder, Superfly, Shaft, Herbert Cannon, sharecropping family, Depression South

Violent Escapism a la Peckinpah

by Dick Sassaman

page 7

keywords: movies, "The Getaway", Steve McQueen, Macgraw, Quincy Jones

From London, A Tale of Art and Reality

by Dick Sassaman

page 7

keywords: 'The Getaway', London police, bank robbers

Combat in the Erogenous Zone

by Kathi Roche

page 8

keywords: Writings on Love, Hate, and Sexuality; Ingrid Bengis, homosexuality, lesbianism

Don McLean: King of the Commonplace

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: Tapestry, American Pie, Pete Seeger, Buddy Holly


page 10

keywords: Super Fly, Deliverance, The Getaway, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The Poseiden Adventure, Dumbo and Lobo, 1776

Books Books

page 11

keywords: A Closer Look at Ariel - A Memory of Sylvia Plath, Nancy Hunter Steiner, The Spanish Soldier, Herbert Burkholz, The Legend of John Brown, Richard O. Boyer, The Greedy War (A Very Personal War), James Hamilton-Paterson, Vietnam


page 11

keywords: J. J. Cale, Really, 360 degrees of Billy Paul, Gamble and Huff


graffic by LNS

page 1, page 4, page 5, page 8


by Flanagan

page 3


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