This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from September 28 - October 5, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
State drafts bill to end exploitation
by Jim Zimmerman
page 1, page 4, page 10
keywords: migrant worker; Seasonal Farm Labor Act; Committee on Migrant Services; exploitation; crew leaders; Senate Labor and Industry Committee; labor camps; licensing; Migrant Ministry; DER; DCA Secretary William Wilcox
Solidarity with the Indochinese people
page 1
keywords: Vietnam; Laos; Cambodia; Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Bringing culture to downtown Harrisburg
by Hannah Leavitt
page 2, page 7
keywords: Harrisburg Arts Council; Harrisburg Community Theater; Cecelia Parsons Miller; Keysner Poets Chapter; Arts Festival; 'Evening With the Arts'; cultural center; downtown rejuvenation
Opposition to Saigon aid
by Jim White
page 2, page 6
keywords: International Day of Concern; political prisoners; Coalition to Stop Funding the War; South Vietnam; Foreign Aid Authorization Bill; Military Procurement Authorization Bill; Indochina Peace Campaign; Saigon government
US supports Saigon police repression
by Michael KlarePNS
page 2, page 7
keywords: Nixon administration; South Vietnam's police; Vietnamese National Police; U.S. Agency for International Development; South Vietnam's prison system; Phoenix program; Computer Sciences Corporation; CORDS
by Dick Sassaman
page 3, page 6
keywords: President Harding; conservative policy; Herbert Block; Watergate; Gerald Brennan; Patriot News; peace movement; Ripley's Believe It or Not; monkeys
Lets close tax loopholes
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: In the Public Interest; corporate tax; U.S. Steel; retail sales taxes; insurance companies; General Services Administration; pension; retirement funds
Cough syrup freaks beware
by Marty Peterson
page 4
keywords: codeine; Department of Health; State Board of Pharmacy; prescription; narcotics; Robitussin AC; cesanyl; regulation
Canada opens doors for US exiles
by Alan Miller/PNS
page 5, page 9
keywords: Canadian immigration; permanent residency; American deserters; draft resisters; illegal aliens; amnesty; landed immigrant status
Wildwood Park needs Saturday volunteers
page 6
keywords: park restoration; concerts; trails; fishing; boating
Letters to the Editor
page 7
keywords: Saul Sorkin; migrant workers; peonage; exploitation
Fear and loathing: madness clarified by madness
by Jim Flanagan
page 8, page 5
Seven live albums
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: Nazareth; Razamanaz; Broken Down Angel; Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival; Otis Spann Memorial Field; Bonnie Raitt; Muddy Waters; Tom Paxton; New Songs for Old Friends; folk singers; Mark-Almond '73; Jon Mark; Johnny Almond; John Mayall; Eric Clapton's Rainbow Concert; Peter Townsend; Stevie Winwood; Dory Previn/In Concert April 18, 1973 at Carnegie Hall; folk singer; Mia Farrow; Shirley Bassey/Live at Carnegie Hall May 11 & 12, 1973; Goldfinger; Woody Herman
keywords: Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72; Hunter S. Thompson; "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"; drug abuse; American journalism; objective journalism; George McGovern; Jerry Rubin; Muskie; Republican National Convention; Democratic National Convention; Rolling Stone
by Jim Flanagan
page 1, page 4
by Gene Suchma
page 3, page 7