This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from September 14 - September 21, 1973, had 8 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Inner city housing construction stops dead
by Stan Luxenberg
page 2, page 5, page 1
keywords: President Nixon; federal housing programs; Department of Community Affairs; substandard housing; Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority; Seawright Corporation; subsidized housing; Chief Justice Burger; Housing Act; impoundment; Department of Housing and Urban Development
Tax group plans protest march to Harrisburg
page 2
keywords: Tax Equity for America party; progressive tax reform; "Tax Action Day"; Philadelphia; state and local taxes; corporate taxes; Walk for Tax Justice; AFL-CIO; graduated state income tax; Pennsylvania League of Women Voters
Nazi death gas used in Vietnam
by LNS
page 2
keywords: Hydrogen cyanide; U.S. Air Force; Vietnam; Geneva Convention; Senate Armed Service Committee; Sergeant Steve Hawkins; Bill Amos
by Dick Sassaman
page 3
keywords: Labor and AIndustry Building; security guard; computer room; The Book Shop; Finley Peter Dunne; Mr. Dooley; U.S.S. Torsk; Balimore Inner Harbor
The great energy wasters
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: In the Public Interest; energy crisis; industrialists; environmentalists; air pollution; energy companies; solar energy; fuel companies
Attica: two years after
by Jim White
page 3, page 6
keywords: Attica State Prison; Grand Jury; indictments; murder; coercion; Ramsey Clark; William Kuntzler; racism; McKay Commission; prison conditions; riots; Rahaam Karanja; State of New York; prisoners; Sam Melville; law enforcement officials
Kangaroo grand juries lock up dissenters
by Martin Fassler
page 4
keywords: "The Grand Jury: The Political Question"; Federal Judge John Sirica: Assistant Attorney General Robert Mardian; Watergate; G. Gordon Liddy; political dissidents; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Anthony Russo; contempt; Internal Security Division; Harriet Mitchell; self-incrimination; John Mitchell; Maurice Stans; H.R. Haldeman; John Ehrlichmann
Nine film soundtracks, a movie music sampler
by Dick Sassaman
page 7
keywords: Music Review; Jimi Hendrix; Shaft in Africa; Isaac Hayes; Four Tops; Live and Let Die; George martin; James Bond; Cleopatra Jones; Joe Simon; Millie Jackson; black superhero; O Lucky Man; Malcolm McDowell; Alan Price; Tom Sawyer; Richard and Robert Sherman; Enter the Dragon; Lalo Schifrin; Bruce Lee; John Saxon; State of Seige; Los Calchikis; Mikis Theodorakis; Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid; Sam Peckinpah; Bob Dylan
by Jim Flanagan
page 1
by LNS
page 2, page 3
by LNS
page 4