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Volume 3, Number 23: March 15, 1974 - March 22, 1974

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 15, 1974 - March 22, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 3, Number 23 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from March 15, 1974

Article Index

City education: will the schools close?

by Stan Luxenberg

page 1, page 4

keywords: Harrisburg schools; new middle school; Carroll Purdy; Hamilton; Cameron; Boas; citizens advisory committee; kids; parents; teachers; Jane Dodd; elementary school; Hamilton Health Center; garden; school taxes

Amnesty hearings: healing the wounds of war

by Jim Zimmerman

page 2, page 12

keywords: Congressional hearings; Washington, D.C.; House Subcommittee on the Courts, Civil Liberties and Administration of Justice; Rep. Robert Kastenmeier; Col. (Ret.) Phelps Jones; Bella Abzug; Richard Bucklin; Rep. Robert Drinan; Vietnam-era veterans; universal, unconditional amnesty; war resistance; deserters; less than honorable discharges; Vietnam war; minority veterans; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Ed Damato; President Nixon

A home for the homeless

by Jim Wiggins

page 2, page 9

keywords: Harrisburg Soup Kitchen; Paul Murphy; Sunshine House; Steve Murray; drugs; alcohol; community services; rehabilitation programs; medical assistance; Al Lamb; Dauphin County Executive Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Abolishing paper money

by Ralph Nader

page 3

keywords: In the Public Interest; payment card system; Stuart Speiser; crime; corruption; retail sales; political payoffs; privacy law; Treasury Department; government benefit checks; direct electronic deposits; Social Security; veterans benefits; feasability


by Dick Sassaman

page 3

keywords: A History of Pennsylvania; Simon Cameron; Governor John F. Hartranft; corruption; legislature; Senator Alexander McClure; Philip Klein; Ari Hoogenboom; liquors; Central Pennsylvania Scholastic Arts Awards; Melody Ember; William Penn Museum; The Pieta; astronaut; grapefruit

A funny thing happened at the porno forum

by Hannah Leavitt

page 5

keywords: Justice William O. Douglas; "Porno and the Law:"; pornography; censorship; Patriot/News; Harrisburg Public Library; Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission; Richard Guida; Dr. Matthew Winters; Ernest Doerschuk; Dauphin County Court Judge John Dowling; free seech; prevailing community standards; Patricia Crawford

Rights for mental patients

by Todd McIntyre

page 6

keywords: Mental Health Procedures Act; Senate Health and Welfare Committee; Senator Louis Coppersmith; Harrisburg Hospital; MH/Mr Center; commitment procedures; psychiatrists; patient; constitutional rights; advocacy program; treatment; Joseph Adlestein

Capitol Insider

by R.C. Filburn

page 6

keywords: Tom Menaker; Wells Keddie; tenure; radical; Penn State; faculty; Lee C. Swartz; Daniel Berrigan; Harrisburg ACLU; "No Bars To Manhood"; lawyers; social issues; economic hegemony; militarism; nationalism; wars

Longhairs harassed by prison warden

by Jim Christopher

page 9

keywords: Dauphin County Prison; Warden Davis; Tracy Hall; isolation; self expression; petition; haircut

Letters To the Editor

page 9

keywords: Kirsten Moe; property taxes; Cole-Layer-Trumble; jobs

Cougars climb from cellar to stellar

by J. Morris

page 10

keywords: Harrisburg High; basketball; coach; Bill Maguffee; District 3; Hershey; Reading; CD East; officials; Chester; Towson Catholic; runner-up; W.L. Burney; Camp Curtin YMCA


by Dick Sassaman

page 10

keywords: Quote; Vincent Price; mental patients; Senator Louis Coppersmith; conscientious objectors; U.S. Supreme Court; G.I. Bill; deserter; congressional hearings; amnesty; Lewis Simon; draft resisters; Seoul regime; prison; Park Chung Hee; Interstate Commerce Commission; smoking; buses; Ralph Nader; Pat-News; blind; porno magazines; Marty Mullen; Pat Crawford; Rep. Francis Lynch; streaking; bill; media


by Dick Sassaman

page 11

keywords: review; Rick Wakeman; concert; Hershey; Tales From Topographic Oceans; Fragile; Close To the Edge; Yessongs; Steve Howe; percussion


by Gene Suchma

page 1

keywords: Kidnapped; revolution; revolutionary acts


by Jim White

page 1, page 4, page 10

by John Serbell

page 2, page 9

by Jack Krill

page 5

by Molly Keene

page 11


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