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Volume 2, Number 38: June 29 - July 6, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from June 29 - July 6, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 38 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from June 29, 1973

Article Index

Vacant lot of the week

by Sarah Forth

page 1, page 8

keywords: Uptown Harrisburg; health hazard; code enforcement; stagnant water; Radoje Bulatovic; city ordinance

The energy crisis: consumers pay; profits grow

by Alan Miller/Pacific News Service

page 2, page 5, page 11

keywords: oil companies; fossil fuel reserves; foreign oil; domestic oil; refinery system; petroleum; natural gas; environmentalists; Nixon administration; oil import quotas; American Petroleum Council; price increases; oil reserves; Middle East oil; Japan; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Companies; Saudi Arabia; Iran; military goods; Nixon Doctrine

State takes Nixon to court over federal education funds

by Stan Luxenberg

page 2

keywords: state education programs; Nixon administration; Office of Education; Joint Resolution; school districts; low income families; migrant farm workers; mentally handicapped children; vocational education

Who killed Kennedy?

page 3

keywords: John F. Kennedy; assassination; Mike Clark; National Theological Seminary; National Committee to Investigate Assassinations; Abraham Zapruder; Warren Commission; Lee Harvey Oswald; single assassin

Professionals aid public

by Ralph Nader

page 3

keywords: In the Public Interest; public interest lawyers; Center for Science in the Public Interest; health and safety; food additives; asbestos; Accountants for the Public Interest; California Public Utilities Commission; rate increases; Public Interest Economics Center; federal budget; federal subsidies; "October"; building codes; commercial development; equal justice; open government

Letters to the Editor

page 3, page 10

keywords: welfare; Jim Zimmerman; Pan Um; advertising; Pick-a-Mate Unlimited; introduction service; classifieds

Cable TV: Who will control Harrisburg's cable?

by Sarah Forth

page 4, page 6, page 8, page 10

keywords: cable television; citizen interests; government control; corporate profits; Lansford, PA; Community Antenna Television; coaxial cable; public access; portable VTRs; strip mining; Harrisburg Cablevision; Jerrold Electronics; Sammons Electronics; franchise agreement; municipal government; common carrier; Public Utility Commission; Federal Communications Commission; film rights; National Cable Television Association; CATV; Henry Lockhard

The other side of abortion

page 5, page 6

keywords: Eleanor Fry; graphic; Gerald J. Brennan; balanced coverage; birth control; Mary Alice Ricci; menstrual evacuation; Clergymens' Consultation Service; Ms. Leavitt

An evening in New York, part 2: Mahavishnu

by Dick Sassaman

page 7

keywords: Mahavishnu Orchestra; John McLaughlin; The Inner Mounting Flame; Birds of Fire; Sri Chinmoy; Billy Cobham; Franklin and Marshall; Carlos Santanna; John Coltraine; Love Devotion Surrender; Let Us Go Into the House of the Lord


page 8

keywords: Sen. George Wade; West Shore communities; banking code; obsenity code; inheritance tax; school construction; "White Lightning"; Republican Party; 23rd Psalm; Revenue Sharing; Movement for Economic Justice; social services; civil rights; Watergate; Harrisburg School Board; guard dogs; school buildings; John Wesley Dean III; Richard Nixon; security system


by Dick Sassaman

page 11

keywords: Berrigans; Sister Elizabeth; Jerome Berrigan; Watergate; Ted Kennedy; Daniel Ellsburg; Lords; Tory government; prostitutes; Profumo scandal; Chappaquiddick; Senator Kennedy; democratic electoral process; The Strange Case of Richard Milhous Nixon; Jerry Voorhis


by Sarah Forth

page 2

by Sassaman

page 7

by Frolick, by Stuart Frolick


by Gene Suchma

page 6


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