This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from June 29 - July 6, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.
Article Index
Vacant lot of the week
by Sarah Forth
page 1, page 8
keywords: Uptown Harrisburg; health hazard; code enforcement; stagnant water; Radoje Bulatovic; city ordinance
The energy crisis: consumers pay; profits grow
by Alan Miller/Pacific News Service
page 2, page 5, page 11
keywords: oil companies; fossil fuel reserves; foreign oil; domestic oil; refinery system; petroleum; natural gas; environmentalists; Nixon administration; oil import quotas; American Petroleum Council; price increases; oil reserves; Middle East oil; Japan; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Companies; Saudi Arabia; Iran; military goods; Nixon Doctrine
State takes Nixon to court over federal education funds
by Stan Luxenberg
page 2
keywords: state education programs; Nixon administration; Office of Education; Joint Resolution; school districts; low income families; migrant farm workers; mentally handicapped children; vocational education
Who killed Kennedy?
page 3
keywords: John F. Kennedy; assassination; Mike Clark; National Theological Seminary; National Committee to Investigate Assassinations; Abraham Zapruder; Warren Commission; Lee Harvey Oswald; single assassin
Professionals aid public
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: In the Public Interest; public interest lawyers; Center for Science in the Public Interest; health and safety; food additives; asbestos; Accountants for the Public Interest; California Public Utilities Commission; rate increases; Public Interest Economics Center; federal budget; federal subsidies; "October"; building codes; commercial development; equal justice; open government
Letters to the Editor
page 3, page 10
keywords: welfare; Jim Zimmerman; Pan Um; advertising; Pick-a-Mate Unlimited; introduction service; classifieds
Cable TV: Who will control Harrisburg's cable?
by Sarah Forth
page 4, page 6, page 8, page 10
keywords: cable television; citizen interests; government control; corporate profits; Lansford, PA; Community Antenna Television; coaxial cable; public access; portable VTRs; strip mining; Harrisburg Cablevision; Jerrold Electronics; Sammons Electronics; franchise agreement; municipal government; common carrier; Public Utility Commission; Federal Communications Commission; film rights; National Cable Television Association; CATV; Henry Lockhard
The other side of abortion
page 5, page 6
keywords: Eleanor Fry; graphic; Gerald J. Brennan; balanced coverage; birth control; Mary Alice Ricci; menstrual evacuation; Clergymens' Consultation Service; Ms. Leavitt
An evening in New York, part 2: Mahavishnu
by Dick Sassaman
page 7
keywords: Mahavishnu Orchestra; John McLaughlin; The Inner Mounting Flame; Birds of Fire; Sri Chinmoy; Billy Cobham; Franklin and Marshall; Carlos Santanna; John Coltraine; Love Devotion Surrender; Let Us Go Into the House of the Lord
page 8
keywords: Sen. George Wade; West Shore communities; banking code; obsenity code; inheritance tax; school construction; "White Lightning"; Republican Party; 23rd Psalm; Revenue Sharing; Movement for Economic Justice; social services; civil rights; Watergate; Harrisburg School Board; guard dogs; school buildings; John Wesley Dean III; Richard Nixon; security system
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: Berrigans; Sister Elizabeth; Jerome Berrigan; Watergate; Ted Kennedy; Daniel Ellsburg; Lords; Tory government; prostitutes; Profumo scandal; Chappaquiddick; Senator Kennedy; democratic electoral process; The Strange Case of Richard Milhous Nixon; Jerry Voorhis
by Sarah Forth
page 2
by Sassaman
page 7
by Frolick, by Stuart Frolick
by Gene Suchma
page 6