This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from January 11, 1974 - January 18, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Ugite threatens to shut off Harris Haven gas
by Marianne Sears
page 1, page 2, page 5
keywords: mobile home residents; Ugite Gas; flood victims; Philip Smith; HUD; eviction notices; heating systems; Joseph Sobel; Delbert Reed; billing procedure
State officials perplexed by energy crisis
by Jim Wiggins
page 2, page 10
keywords: Secretary of Community Affairs William Wilcox; oil companies; Nixon administration; Gov. Shapp; Eugene Knopf; energy advisor; Insurance Commissioner Herbert Denenberg; energy shortage
A proposal to end war taxes
page 2, page 6
keywords: Congressman Ronald Dellums; Congresswoman Bella Abzug; World Peace Tax Fund Bill; federal taxpayers; military spending; Selective Service System; income, estate, and gift taxes; Internal Revenue Code; conscientious objector
Simon aids price rises
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: oil companies; energy shortage; William Simon; nuclear plants; domestic oil production; tax savings
by Dick Sassaman
page 3
keywords: poetry; David Briggs; State Correctional Institution at Dallas; Arabs; coal miner; Vietnam; Black Muslims; M.R. Hogan; Lewisburg Penitentiary; Alfred "Sunny" Howell; solitary confinement; the hole
CAT expands: more busses for Harrisburg
by Hannah Leavitt
page 4
keywords: Capitol Area Transit; Harrisburg Railway; Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton study; fringe parking; Richard Simonetta; schedules; rapid rail systems; Urban Mass Transit Administration
Letters to the Editor
page 5
keywords: Paul Lyons; Correctional Prison Camp; Huntingdon; Centre County Criminal Court; Civil Rights Complaint; justice
Dylan in Philly
by Robert Rafsky
page 6
keywords: Spectrum; Robbie Robertson; The Band; Like A Rolling Stone
1974 Spotlight on Business
page 7, page 8, page 9
keywords: Paid Advertisement; Richard Brown Painting Contractor; K & D Enterprises, Inc.; Shaull's Machine Shop, Inc.; William A. Gigliotti Jr. Painting; Stevenson Machine Shop; Blue Mountain Drywall Contractor; The Dauphin National Bank; Universal Construction Inc.; H. A. Hartman & Son Inc.; Mosser M. Smyser Appliances; B. Abrams & Sons, Inc.; Hansel & Gretel Early Learning Center; Wilsbach Distributors Inc.; Ulsh Carpet Store Inc.; Hempt Bros., Inc.; Thuro Steam; K-9 Beauty Salon; Kauffman's Suzuki; Airport Trailer Sales, Inc.; The Hummelstown National Bank
The private eye and the cop
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: Movie Review; The Long Goodbye; Philip Marlowe; Magnum Force; Dirty Harry Callahan; Los Angeles; San Francisco; Raymond Chandler; Elliott Gould; Hill Theater; Robert Altman; Humphrey Bogart; The Big Sleep; Robert Altman; Jim Bouton; music; Sam Peckinpah; Hal Holbrook; Felton Perry; Clint Eastwood
by John Serbell
page 1, page 2, page 4
by Bill Perronneau/Philadelphia Daily News
page 6
by Gene Suchma
page 1
keywords: massage parlors; ads