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Volume 3, Number 14: January 11, 1974 - January 18, 1974

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from January 11, 1974 - January 18, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 3, Number 14 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from January 11, 1974

Article Index

Ugite threatens to shut off Harris Haven gas

by Marianne Sears

page 1, page 2, page 5

keywords: mobile home residents; Ugite Gas; flood victims; Philip Smith; HUD; eviction notices; heating systems; Joseph Sobel; Delbert Reed; billing procedure

State officials perplexed by energy crisis

by Jim Wiggins

page 2, page 10

keywords: Secretary of Community Affairs William Wilcox; oil companies; Nixon administration; Gov. Shapp; Eugene Knopf; energy advisor; Insurance Commissioner Herbert Denenberg; energy shortage

A proposal to end war taxes

page 2, page 6

keywords: Congressman Ronald Dellums; Congresswoman Bella Abzug; World Peace Tax Fund Bill; federal taxpayers; military spending; Selective Service System; income, estate, and gift taxes; Internal Revenue Code; conscientious objector

Simon aids price rises

by Ralph Nader

page 3

keywords: oil companies; energy shortage; William Simon; nuclear plants; domestic oil production; tax savings


by Dick Sassaman

page 3

keywords: poetry; David Briggs; State Correctional Institution at Dallas; Arabs; coal miner; Vietnam; Black Muslims; M.R. Hogan; Lewisburg Penitentiary; Alfred "Sunny" Howell; solitary confinement; the hole

CAT expands: more busses for Harrisburg

by Hannah Leavitt

page 4

keywords: Capitol Area Transit; Harrisburg Railway; Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton study; fringe parking; Richard Simonetta; schedules; rapid rail systems; Urban Mass Transit Administration

Letters to the Editor

page 5

keywords: Paul Lyons; Correctional Prison Camp; Huntingdon; Centre County Criminal Court; Civil Rights Complaint; justice

Dylan in Philly

by Robert Rafsky

page 6

keywords: Spectrum; Robbie Robertson; The Band; Like A Rolling Stone

1974 Spotlight on Business

page 7, page 8, page 9

keywords: Paid Advertisement; Richard Brown Painting Contractor; K & D Enterprises, Inc.; Shaull's Machine Shop, Inc.; William A. Gigliotti Jr. Painting; Stevenson Machine Shop; Blue Mountain Drywall Contractor; The Dauphin National Bank; Universal Construction Inc.; H. A. Hartman & Son Inc.; Mosser M. Smyser Appliances; B. Abrams & Sons, Inc.; Hansel & Gretel Early Learning Center; Wilsbach Distributors Inc.; Ulsh Carpet Store Inc.; Hempt Bros., Inc.; Thuro Steam; K-9 Beauty Salon; Kauffman's Suzuki; Airport Trailer Sales, Inc.; The Hummelstown National Bank

The private eye and the cop

by Dick Sassaman

page 11

keywords: Movie Review; The Long Goodbye; Philip Marlowe; Magnum Force; Dirty Harry Callahan; Los Angeles; San Francisco; Raymond Chandler; Elliott Gould; Hill Theater; Robert Altman; Humphrey Bogart; The Big Sleep; Robert Altman; Jim Bouton; music; Sam Peckinpah; Hal Holbrook; Felton Perry; Clint Eastwood


by John Serbell

page 1, page 2, page 4

by Bill Perronneau/Philadelphia Daily News

page 6


by Gene Suchma

page 1

keywords: massage parlors; ads


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