This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from November 2 - November 9, 1973, had 16 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Republicans pay big bucks to hear Jerry Ford
by Jim Wiggins
page 1, page 4
keywords: fund raising; Republican Party: Dauphin County Republican Committee; Vice Presidency; Watergate tapes; impeachment; Archibald Cox; demonstraters
At the White House: honking for impeachment
by Stan Luxenberg
page 2, page 8, page 13
keywords: Washington demonstration; impeachment; White House; Cambodia; CIA; corporate contributions; Committee To Impeach the President; I.F. Stone; Washington Area Impeachment Coalition
Harrisburg actions for impeachment
page 2
keywords: Special Watergate xProsecutor Archibald Cox; obstruction of justice; Center for Peace and Justice; rally; Gerald Ford
Voters will decide whether to keep state grand juries
page 2, page 14
keywords: amendment; state constitution; Pennsylvania Bar Association; crininal justice system; Tom Menaker;courts of common pleas; magistrate hearings; election
Airport x-ray inspections
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: x-ray inspection systems; anti-hijacking program; Federal Aviation Administration; Aviation Consumer Action Project; safety standards
compiled by Peter Pero
page 3
keywords: Center fot the Study of Responsible Law; veterans; United Nations Environment Program; distribution of wealth; birth control; "savage Indians"; Indian militants; New York City Police Department; closed circuit TV; monitoringsystems; fingerprints; privacy; Jessica Mitford; San Jose State University; marines; Declaration of Independence; Uniform Code of Military Justice; President Nixon; jetliner; The Spirit of '76; Women Office Workers Conference; feminist play; Big Daddy May I
Texas women work to change sexist textbooks
by LNS
page 4
keywords: Taskforce for Equal Education for Women; textbook hearings; Women's Equity Action League; primers; stereotyping; math textbooks
Wounded Knee activist killed by police
by LNS
page 5
keywords: Pedro Bissonette; Pine Ridge Reservation; Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee; BIA police; Mark Lane; homicide; Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department
"State of Seige" called "false propaganda"
by LNS
page 5
keywords: San Antonio, Texas; International Association of Chiefs of Police; annual conference; Dan Mitrione; torture techniques; Agency for International Development
Wholesale destruction of Arab villages
by LNS/Abu Faris
page 6
keywords: Israel; Israel League for Human and Civil Rights; Palestinian villages; Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan; Lydda; Ramallah; Sinai; GolanHeights
Ex-GI returns to be imprisoned
page 6
keywords: Richard Dean Bucklin; US Army; AWOL; maximum security detention; Ft. Carson, Colorado; stockade; Undesirable Discharge; court-martial; Vietnam veterans
HIP Special Election Survey
page 9, page 10
keywords: City Council; public campaign financing; mass transit; flood wall; city parks; park curfews; nuclear power plants; Three Mile Island; x-rated films; Democrats; Republicans; housing; no-deposit bottles; executive sessions; public schools; drugs; crime; Leon Feinerman; Leroy Robinson; James Saxton; Joe Sweigart; Paul "Tim" Doutrich; Herbert "Corky" Goldstein; Stanley Lawson; Miriam Menaker; environment; River Relief Route; Crawford Murdoch; Mayor; Al Schmidt; residency; Harold Swenson; City Island; School Director; Student Bill of Rights; Student Advisory Board; curriculum; school board; pledge of allegiance; Thomas Connolly; freedom of expression; executive board meetings; budget; Oswlen Anderson; citizen participation; Jean Tamanini; Horatio Leftwich; corporal punishment; unions; Gerald Stutzman; New Learning Center; Independent Academy; Dr. Biggs Smith; incumbent
Patnews supresses report criticising Goldstein
by Jim Wiggins
page 9
keywords: Office of Economic Opportunity; Herbert "Corky" Goldstein; Dauphin County Legal Services; Auerbach Corp.; political career; Fred Speaker; Larry Adler; Evaluation Report; Harrisburg Patriot; Evening News; law reform; community education program; TV series; Citizens for Responsive Government
American graffiti
by John Serbell
page 12
keywords: Director George Lucas; Big John Milner; Terry "The Toad" Fields; Curt Henderson; Steve Bolander; Wolfman Jack; rock and roll music; 1962; Richard Dreyfuss; Ronny Howard; Union Deposit Cinema; nostalgia
Hanging On
by Dick Sassaman
page 15
keywords: Book Review; Dean R. Koontz; mainstream novel; World War II; humor; mystery; suspense; Major Kelly; General Blade
by Jim White
page 1, page 2, page 4
by Jim Flanagan
page 2, page 8
by LNS
page 5
by Gene Suchma
page 3