This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from July 13 - July 20, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
At war with the Pentagon: one man's story
by Jim Flanagan
page 1, page 4, page 5, page 11
keywords: Jim Christopher; desertion; U.S. Army Enlisted Records Center; discharge; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Vietnam; Long Binh; Fort Sam Houston; 'marijuana addiction'; Elizabeth. NJ; informant; narcotic activity
Bankruptcy for poor people
by Jim White
page 1, page 10
keywords: Julius Hobson; 'The Daily Rag'; secure debt; unsecure debt; 'paupers exemption'; seizable property; credit rating; creditors
I knew I'd be arrested if I spent another night in Harrisburg
by Jim Wiggins
page 2, page 7
keywords: disorderly conduct; Jack Kerouac; Patricia Johnson; James Maxwell; American Civil Liberties Union; Charles Glackin; Fred Speaker; United States Constitution; Pathmart case; Judge Warren G. Morgan; First Amendment; Lower Paxton Township; U.S. Supreme Court; warrant; law enforcement officials; civil liberties
City Democrats organize; promise power to the people
by Hannah Leavitt
page 2, page 7
keywords: Steve Reed; City Chairman of the Democratic Party; neighborhood caucuses; Kathy McCaughin; Citizens for Responsive Government; Democratic Convention; nomination process; urban problems
Yet another cancer threat
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: In the Public Interest; Arlene Lehto; Reserve Mining Company; 'tailings'; taconite; Silver Bay, Minn.; contamination; Environmental Protection Agency; drinking water; American Cancer Society
Guy Goodwin and Watergate
page 3
keywords: Gainesville trial; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Republican convention; James McCord; Robert Mardian; CREEP; Nixon administration; Pablo Fernandez; Miami Police Department; electronic surveillance
Panthers adopt moderate election tactics
by Teddy Franklin
page 5
keywords: Bobby Seale; Huey Newton; Black Panther Party for Self-Defense; free breakfast programs; black community; Eldridge Cleaver; Elaine Brown; mayor of Oakland; election; grassroots organization
Yippies celebrate 4th with Washington smoke-in
by Merrie Mangold
page 6
keywords: Youth International Party; Prisoners of Weed; Tom Watts; Laurel Heckman; impeachment; American folk life festival; marijuana
Jesus Christ Superstar
by Dick Sassaman
page 8
keywords: Movie Review; State Theater; rock opera; Andrew Lloyd Webber; Ted Neeley; biblical epic; Andre Previn; anti-Semitic
page 9
keywords: Last Tango in Paris; Marlon Brando; Maria Schneider; Shaft in Africa; Live and Let Die; James Bond; Mary Poppins; The Sound of Music; Julie Andrews; The Getaway; Steve McQueen; Ali McGraw; Paper Moon; Ryan O'Neill; Tatum O'Neill
by Dick Sassaman
page 10
keywords: Kim Fowley; International Heroes; Mothers of Invention; Alley Ooop
page 11
keywords: Watergate; Committee for the Re-Election of the President; Democratic National Committee; Attorney General John Mitchell; impeachment; Costa Gravas; "State of Seige"; Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; Theodore Sorensen; Nixon; John Dean; political enemies; Paul Newman; Jack Anderson; Supreme Court; obscenity; "Deep Throat"; 'Winter Soldiers"; Cosmetico; cosmetic company; Male Chauvinist
by Jim Flanagan
page 1
by LNS
page 1
by Sarah Forth
page 2, page 7
courtesy of the Yippies
page 6
by Truesdale
page 3
courtesy of The Drummer
page 5
by Toni Truesdale and Billy Potter
page 11