This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from July 6 - July 13, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Whatever happened to the Harrisburg 8?
by Jim Wiggins
page 1, page 2
keywords: Rev. Philip Berrigan; Harrisburg Conspiracy Trial; Sr. Elizabeth McAlister; Henry Kissinger; Boyd Douglas; letter smuggling convictions; Lewisburg Federal Prison; Judge R. Dixon Herman; Tony and Mary Scoblick; Camden 28; Fr. Neil McLaughlin; Fr. Joseph Wenderoth; anti-war movement; Dr. Eqbal Ahmad; Ted Glick
The local rock scene: Coventry's part time musicians play big time music
by M. J. Swanson
page 1
keywords: Enola Fair; Fred McDowell; "Still Got My Woman"
City pension funds: the well is running dry
by Stan Luxenberg
page 2, page 7, page 8
keywords: City Council; Mayor Swenson; firemen; police; City Council President Paul Doutrich; Al Schmidt; tax deductible; Internal Revenue Service
Press release journalism
page 3
keywords: Patnews; Zapruder film; Kennedy assassination; Harrisburg Independent Press
What to do with atomic waste?
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: Atomic Energy Commission; Richland, Washington; Union of Concerned Scientists; radioactive wastes; nuclear power plant
Watergate south: Gainesville vets go on trial
by LNS
page 4
keywords: Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Republican convention; CREEP; James McCord; FBI agents; electronic surveillance; Pablo Fernandez; Judge Beau Arnow
Colonial Park minister joins United Farm Workers picketers
page 4
keywords: Rev. Kendall Link; Cesar Chavez; California; Teamsters; strike; UFW pickets
The transportation mess: who profits, who pays?
by Ambrose Klain
page 5, page 11
keywords: interstate highways; urban renewal; suburban development; River Relief Route; mass transit; urban sprawl; highway congestion; 'strip'; trucking industry; air pollution; automobile; oil supply; energy crisis; Highway Trust Fund; American Petroleum Institute; ghetto neighborhoods; Wildwood Park
Vietnam peoples' government stronger than ever
by Jim White
page 6
keywords: Provisional Revoluntionary Government; Republic of South Vietnam; Paris Accords; general elections; Constitution; constituent Assembly; Vietnamese economy; national liberation; Mme. Nguyen Thi Binh; collective society
Paper Moon: The days of Frank D. Roosevelt
by Dick Sassaman
page 7
keywords: Ryan O'Neill; Tatum O'Neill; Kansas; Peter Bogdanovich; Addie Pray; Joe David Brown; Movie Review
The Fourth of Jazz Weekend: 16 summer albums
by Dick Sassaman
page 8
keywords: Newport in New York Jazz Festival; Weather; Sweetnighter; Alphonze Mouson; The Essence of Mystery; Miles Davis In Concert; Herbie Hancock; Sextant; Charles Lloyd; Waves; Herbie Mann; Hold On, I'm Comin'; Horace Silver; In Pursuit of the 27th Man; Gene Russell; Talk To My Lady; Rudolph Johnson; The Second Coming; Rahsaan Roland Kirk; Prepare Thyself To Deal With a Miracle; Beach Boys; Black Jazz; Reevaluation: The Impulse Years; Charles Mingus; McCoy Tyner; Sonny Rollins; Freddie Hubbard; Charles Mingus and Friends In Concert; The Jazz Years; Impulse label; Atlantic Records; John Coltrane Quartet
page 9
keywords: Paper Moon; Last Tango in Paris; Marlon Brando; Maria Schneider; The Day of the Jackal; Charles DeGaulle; Live and Let Die; James Bond; Jesus Christ Superstar; Wattstax; Isaac Hayes; Rufus Thomas; Richard Pryor; The Sound of Music; Julie Andrews; The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing; Burt Reynolds
by Dick Sassaman
page 10
keywords: Two Samplers from Columbia; Clive Davis; The Guitars that Destroyed the World; The Progressives; Yessongs; Yes; Roundabout; Canned Heat; bowling tournament; Murray Wilson; Beach Boys
Now a word from your local Enemy of the President
page 11
keywords: Joseph Rhodes; Nixon administration; "Enemies of the President"; Scranton Commission; John Dean; Spiro Agnew; campus unrest; Kent State; Jackson State; Black Caucus; student movement
page 11
keywords: State Agricultural Secretary James McHale; 'agricommunity'; cooperative farming; Sen. William Lentz; pilot project; POW; Chambersburg; Paxton Herald; Norman Brookens; Senate Investigative Committee; John Dean III; Political Enemies; Robert McNamara; Clark Clifford; Globe Security Systems; draft violators; Pennsylvania
by Murray
page 1
by Suchma
page 3
by Truesdale
page 3
by Bill Day/LNS
page 4