This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from February 16 - February 23, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
On the road to ruin with PennDOT
by Jim Wiggins
page 1, page 7
keywords: highway projects, transportation planning, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, Department of Environmental Resources, DER, mass transit, Action Plan, social and economic environment, highway trust funds, Governor Shapp, Federal Highway Administration, public meetings
The politics of highways
by Jim Wiggins
page 1, page 7
keywords: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, mass transit, PennDOT contracts, PennDOT Secretary Jacob Cassab, automobile lobby, Shapp, National Highway Trust Fund
Consumers be damned
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: American Library Association, consumer rights, Motor Vehicle Information and Cost savings Act, President Nixon, corporate welfare, Federal Trade Commission, libraries, defense industries
Letters to the editor
page 2
keywords: Dehart Dam, Michael Fillipelli, Elizabeth Gouse, Mechanicsburg
The Camden 28, brought to you by the FBI
by LNS
page 3, page 6
keywords: Guy Goodwin, Catholic anti-war resistance, Marty Stolar, FBI, draft board, informer, entrapment, informer, Robert Hardy, Vietnam
Anyone wanna buy a used hotel?
by Hannah Leavitt
page 4
keywords: Penn Harris Hotel, National Content Liquidators, sale, mirrors, chairs, lamps, baregains, Esquire Room
Quote of the week
by Le Hoang Oanh
page 4
keywords: imperialists, Martin Luther King, Jane Fonda, South Vietnam
The Indochina war is far from over
by Fred Branfman
page 5
keywords: Project Air War, General Thieu, Provisional Revolutionary Government, President Nixon, CIA, "civilian advisers", Phoenix Program, political prisoners, police forces, ARVN, secret army, South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodis, Vietnam Air Force, VNAF
Male Chauvinism and the artistic ego
by Gene Suchma
page 6
keywords: sexual mores, women's lib movement, artistic ego, "Picasso and His Women", Jean-Paul Crespelle
by Jon Simon
page 6
keywords: Untitled, water, waves, swimming, sea
A decision that may save Wildwood Park
page 7
keywords: River relief route, Department of Transportation, Citizens Against Ruining the Environment, CARE, Secretary of Transportation John Volpe
page 8
keywords: Governor Ronald Reagan, California prisons, private corporations, factories, restitution, Capt. Michael Heck, North Vietnam, Air Force, Cambodia, bidets, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, arms sales, Carlisle Borough Council, Deep Throat, Max Yasgur, New York, Woodstock festival, state representative Warren Spencer, drunken driving, bail, chemical debris, Atlantic Ocean, National Marine Fisheries Service, chemical factories, oil tankers
English folk music and a Human Fly
by Dick Sassaman
page 9
keywords: Henry the Human Fly, The Howff, Albion Country Band, English folk band, English folk scene, Fairport Convention, Richard Thompson, Morris On, Linda Peters,concertina, guitarists, songwriters, New Year's Eve
'Multiple views' at Doshi worth a look
by Don Winer
page 9, page 11
keywords: "Multiple Views", Gallery Doshi, diptych, Rob Reeps, William Bebble, sound box, sculpture, Joseph Eustace, Jerry Miss, metal panels, John Schneider, Lawrence Von Barann, Albert Weller, Dan Fitch, Steve Ebersole
page 10
keywords: The Poseiden Adventure, Gene Hackman, 1776, Howard DaSilva, William Daniels, The World's Greatest Athlete, Walt Disney, Jan-Michael Vincent, Tin Conway, A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick, satire, Avanti!, Jack Lemmon, Billy Wilder, The Getaway, Steve McQueen, Ali McGraw, Sam Peckinpah, bank robbery, Trick Baby, Iceberg Slim
page 11
keywords: The World of Pete Seeger, This Land is Your Land, Laura Nyro, The First Songs, Wedding Bell Blues, Jim Croce, Life and Times, Operator; Bad, Bad Leroy Brown
by Gene Suchma
page 6, page 7
by LNS
page 3
by LNS
page 5
by Flanagan
page 4
by Serbell
page 1