This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from November 18 - November 25, 1971 had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
'Incorrigibiles' Are Welcomed At New Learning Center
by Anita Harris
page 1, page 7
keywords: Harrisburg High School, juvenile offenders, Police Athletic League, troublemakers, O. V. Hicks
Recreation Board In a Shambles
page 1, page 7
keywords: Harrisburg Recreation Advisory Board, recreation policies, recreation facilities, Mayor Swenson, Stanley Lawson
by R. C. Filburn
page 2
keywords: welfare, Family Assitance Plan, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Senator Abraham Ribicoff, National Welfare Rights Organization
Herman Denies Defense Bid for Hearing on Wiretapping
by Edward Zuckerman
page 2
keywords: Judge R. Dixon Herman, wiretap, Harrisburg 8, pre-trial motions, illegal surveillance, Ted Glick, Elizabeth McAlister
New Jury Pick Ordered
page 2
keywords: Harrisburg 8, Judge R. Dixon Herman, jury list, 18-20 year-olds
Two Drug Bills Up in Senate
page 2
keywords: marijuana, Governor's Council on Drugs, Narcotics, and Alcohol Abuse, welfare recipients, drug addicts, drug rehabilitation
To: J. Edgar Hoover From: Daniel Berrigan
by Daniel Berrigan
page 3, page 5
keywords: prison, Vietnam, informers, FBI, misue of grand jury, Martin King, unindicted co-conspirator, Henry Kissinger
Books Books Books
by Fred J. Solowey
page 4
keywords: Labor Radical, Len De Coux, unionism, New Left, Communists, black liberation, Vietnam War, labor movement
Music and Money
by Dick Sassaman
page 4
keywords: Blood, Sweat, and Tears, Chicago Transit Authority, Columbia Records, J. W. Guercio
Democracy or What?
page 6
keywords: editorial, presidential nomination, American democracy, oligarchy
Letters To the Editor
page 6
keywords: District Attorney Leroy Zimmerman, judges, free speech, judicial candidates, dictator, Dr. Joseph Tiso, Slovak Americans
Don't Mess with Harry Smith
by Harry Benion
page 6
keywords: Guardian Karate School, karate, Black Belt, Okinawa, 'sensei'
I Dreamt I Saw Joe Hill
by Lloyd Steele
page 8, page 11
keywords: movie review, Bo Widerberg, "Woobly", labor organizer, Adalen 31, Elvira Madigan
Food for Living
by Jane and Tom Plastino
page 8
keywords: bread baking, noodle making, noodles
Hopping the Wild Freight, or, Jumping Boxcars
by Liberation News Service
page 9, page 10
keywords: freight trains, gondola, rairload workers, truck carriers, railroad cops, Union Pacific Sante Fe
How Many More Shopping Days 'til Peace
page 9
keywords: gifts, Women for a Peaceful Christman, donations, save the earth, supprt people's products
The U. S.'s Secret War in Laos
by Fred Branfman and Steve Cohn
page 10, page 11
keywords: air war, surveillance, Pentagon Papers, Meo tribe, executive action, CIA, Executive war, South Vietnam
'Clowns' Sountrack Best in a While
by Ross Care
page 10
keywords: "The Clowns", soundtrack, film, Fellini, Rota, "Ebb Tide"
Lysistrata: Aristophanes Never Funnier or More Serious
by Margaret Woodbridge
page 11
keywords: war, play, Athenians, Spartans, Millerville State's Citamard Players
HIP Consumer
by Esther Smith
page 12
keywords: Steelton, Boy Scouts, glass recycling, ecology