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Volume 1, Number 6: November 11-November 17, 1971

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from November 11 - November 17, 1971 had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 1, Number 6 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from November 10, 1971

Article Index

Sixth Street Heroin Business Sags--Temporarily

by Anita Harris

page 1, page 7

keywords: drug users, drug traffickers, Wendell Banks, undercover agents, methodone maintenance

Dead Gather in D.C.

by Sarah Forth

page 1

keywords: demonstrators, Vietnam, Harrisburg Defense Committee

A Connoisseur's Guide to Hamburger Joints

by John Hileman

page 1, page 6

keywords: fast food restaurants, McDonald's, Hardees, Burger King, Roy Rogers, Red Barn, Gino's


by R. C. Filburn

page 2

keywords: President Nixon, Indochina War, revenue sharing, welfare reform, unemployment, economy

Harrisburg 8 Oppose Powell for High Court

by Edward Zuckerman

page 2

keywords: Lewis F. Powell, Supreme Court, Daniel Berrigan, Philip Berrigan, J. Edgar Hoover, Paul O'Dwyer, wiretap

Clean Air Workshop

page 2

keywords: emission standards, Citizens for Clean Air, public hearing

Abortion Study Set

page 2

keywords: Pennsylvanians for Women's Rights, abortions, sterilizations

Festival Backs Catalog

page 2

keywords: Whole Earth Catalog, alternative institutions

Berrigan Spends Long Week in County Jail

page 3

keywords: pretrial motions, Dauphin County Jail, Fr. Philip Berrigan, Harrisburg Defense Committee

The Grand Jury Game: Any Number Can Play

by Margo Conk

page 3, page 5

keywords: Department of Justice, J. Edgar Hoover, Black Panther Party, fishing expeditions, Pentagon Papers, radical activists

Letter From a POW

by F. Harold Kushner, M.D.

page 4

keywords: Vietnam, Vietnam veterans

Personal Notes of Days in Court by a Defendant

by Tony Scoblick

page 4

keywords: pre-trial motions, courts, seminary

Positions Open--Free Travel and Uniforms

by Celeste Klein

page 4, page 5

keywords: draft boards, Selective Service, classification, appeal rights, conscientious objectors, draft counseling

Temporary Jobs-Revolving Doors for Women

by Ingrid Gleeson

page 5

keywords: temporary agencies, employment discrimination, holidays, vacations, benefits, clerical

Going to the Movies in Harrisburg is a Drag

by Robert W. Bissett

page 6

keywords: films, audience, "Easy Rider", "the Graduate"

Art Show Opens

by Anita Harris

page 6

keywords: The Five Media Show, Roger Douville, sculpture, oils, pastels, collages, watercolors, Monique Lebert-Cuneo, Albert Zwiebel, Vittorio V. Cassanelli, Bella Z. Posta

Who Is Lou Tackwood and Why Is He Saying So Much?/Part 2

by Michael Blake/Alternative Features Service

page 8, page 11

keywords: Los Angeles Police, FBI, illegal police practices, law enforcement

Good, Old Fashioned Justice, For a Change

page 9, page 10. page 11

keywords: federal court case, Gordon Mills, school hair rules, sideburns, Michigan

Shakespeare Lives at the Green Room

by Barbara Spielberg

page 9

keywords: theatre review, "Richard II", "Henry IV", Franklin and Marshall College

Food for Living

by Jane and Tom Plastino

page 10

keywords: Kedgeree, rice, salmon

Notes from Overground

by Tom Plastino

page 10

keywords: Michael Rappeport, 1972 elections, party alignment, race, Vietnam, law and order

Tennessee Williams Pleads for Freaks

by Ross Care

page 11

keywords: plays, Actors' Company of Lancaster, "Tennessee Williams Tonight"

'Lysistrata'--Women Strike for Peace in Old Greece

page 11

keywords: Greek comedy, Millersville State College, women's liberation

HIP Consumer

by Peggy Barnes

page 12

keywords: wage and price freeze, price lists, maximum prices, Pantry Pride, Wanamaker's


by Gene Suchma

page 3, page 5


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