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Volume 1, Number 1: October 7-13, 1971

The first issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from October 7-13, 1971 had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of the first issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from 1971

Article Index

Trial of Harrisburg 8 Awaits Rulings on Legal Motions

by Edward Zuckerman

page 1

keywords: J. Edgar Hoover; bombing; kidnapping; illegal wiretaps; U.S. District Judge R. Dixon Herman

Mullen Bill Caper-Sad Example Of America's 'Schoolbook Myths'

by Niel Thomas

page 1, page 11

keywords: Governor Shapp, Rep. Martin Mullen, American Civil Liberties Union, Theodore Mann, separation of church and state, Catholic, Justice Douglas, Lemon v. Kurtzman, Department of Education, Supreme Court, Senator Jeannette Reibman

County Packs Juries With Housewives, Retired

by Anita Harris

page 1, page 10

keywords: Dauphin County, J. Thomas Menaker, jury panel, County Jury Commissioners, Robert Shavor, C. Raymond

Machamer, County Court President Judge Homer Kreider, Richard Angino, Marx Leopold, District Attorney Leroy Zimmerman, Chief Public Defender James Walker,

Bookseller Prefers Cluttered Shop

by Doron Schwartz

page 2

keywords: 405 Market Street, bookstore, Duane Johnson, Buildings Inspector Richard Bowers, District Magistrate Grimwood, library


by R.C Filburn

page 2

keywords: Veterans' Preference Act, veteran, government service

HIP Consumer

by Peggy Barnes

page 2

keywords: A Mart, A&P, grocery, cost comparison, Pillsbury Flour, A. & P. Sugar, Jiff Peanut Butter, Heinz Catsup, Ivory Soap, Reynold's Aluminum Foil

Entering Lewisburg-A New Life Behind Bars

by J. Alfred Maguire

page 3

keywords: Securities and Exchange Commission, federal prison, Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pa., prison experience, convict,

Allenwood Federal Prison Camp, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Ron Sanders, rape

Editorial: Blind Justice

page 4

keywords: institutionalized racism, Lt. William Calley, murder, President Nixon, Angela Davis, Frank W. Sharp, fraud, George Jackson, robbery, Harrisburg High School, Cedar Cliff, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Confederate flag

Books Books Books Books Books

by Mary Cain Scoblick

page 4

keywords: The Geography of Faith, FBI Fugitive, Daniel Berrigan, psychiatrist Robert Cole,

Suchma's Corner

page 4

keywords: Fred Hampton, Jackson State, Kent State, Attica Prison,

Letter to an Informer

by Michael Giacondo

page 5

keywords: Camden 28, Camden New Jersey, FBI, Robert Hardy. Father Michael Doyle, Catholic Priest, Camden City Council, Senator Italiano, deception, political office,

1000 at Danbury Demand Reforms

page 5

keywords: Federal Correction Institute at Danbury, South Vietnam, prison, protest, strike, Lake Kenosia, US Parole Board, Danbury Resisters, Catholic Peace Fellowship, Harrisburg Defense Committee, Mayday, Free Angela Davis Committee, Coalition for Peace and Justice, Third World Women's Alliance, Don Luce, International Voluntary Services in South Vietnam, Julian Tepper, National Law Society, Roman Catholic Bishop Antulio Parilla-Bonilla, Dave Dellinger, Theodore Glick

Women's Group Active Here

by Mary Kay Fager

page 5

keywords: Women's Lib, Harrisburg Women's Rights Movement, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Pennsylvanians for Women's Rights, Harrisburg Area Community College, HACC

Allenwood Testimony Concluded

by Glen Maynard

page 5

keywords: Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary, Robert Eaton, James Braxton, George Mische, Catonsville 9, Allenwood Federal Prison Camp, Attorney David Rudovsky, Judge Malcolm Muir

Religion to Resistance-Adventures of an ex-Priest

by Tony Scoblick

page 7

keywords: Catholic priest, Henry Kissinger, prison

Don Luce To Speak Here

page 8

keywords: Vietnam, Indochina Mobile Education Project, tiger cages, Clergy and Laity Concerned

Mothers Blame Newspaper For Tension in Hall Manor

by Anita Harris

page 8

keywords: Hall Manor, racial tension, Mayor Harold Swenson

Need Help? Phone Contact

by John Hileman

page 8

keywords: listening, referrals, crisis intervention

Arts Council Will Serve As Culture Clearing House

by John Sopensky

page 8

keywords: Harrisburg Arts Council, cultural events

Center to Aid Youths

by Esther Smith

page 8

keywords: Youth Information Center, crisis counseling

Nixon's Economic Plan-Prosperity for Whom?

by Denny Rock

page 9

keywords: wage/price freeze, inflation, unemployment, stability of the dollar

Local Teachers Hurt by Freeze

by Wesley Johnson Jr

page 9

keywords: school teachers, wage and price freeze, Harrisburg Education Association

Writers Include:

Edward Zuckerman

Niel Thomas

Anita Harris

R. C. Filburn

Peggy Barnes

J. Alfred Maguire

Mary Cain Scoblick

Ted Glick

Mary Kay Fager

Glen Maynard

Tony Scoblick

John Hileman

John Sopensky

Esther Smith

Denny Rock

Wesley Johnson Jr.

Artwork by:

Gene Suchma

Charles Schulz


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