This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from November 16 - November 23, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Welfare recipients take on the bureaucracy
by Jim Zimmerman
page 1, page 4
keywords: Pennsylvania Welfare Rights Organization; Milton Shapp; Secretary of Public Welfare Helene Wohlgemuth; welfare grants; SWEEP program; Pauline London; 'Missing Relative' form; 'Right To Eat'; grant increase; Michael Trucco
A nuclear Trojan horse for Harrisburg
by Hannah Leavitt
page 2, page 7, page 11
keywords: Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Herbert Denenberg; Three Mile Island; nuclear power plants; Atomic Energy Commission; Metropolitan Edison Co.; Citizens for a Safe Environment; Lawrence Sager; operating license; sabotage; radioactive wastes; solar power; environmental impact statement; wind power; low-radiation charcoal kidney filter; Virginia Southard; insurance
A woman truck driver fights discrimination
by Marty Peterson
page 2, page 6
keywords: Nettie Renoll; insurance; Beverage Transportation Company; sex discrimination; Human Relations Commission; Donald Mackowski; school bus; Transit Casualty; age
Nixon's new prosecutor has CIA connections
by LNS
page 2, page 9
keywords: Leon Jaworski; Watergate procecutor; Archibald Cox; CIA funds; Committee To Re-Elect the President; illegal surveillance; laundering of money; Nixon administration; Warren Commission; Kerner Commission
Tourists in Washington
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: In the Public Interest; U.S. Congress; National Visitors Center; Washington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau; tourist policy; regulatory agency hearings
by Dick Sassaman
page 3
keywords: George McGovern; Thomas Eagleton; vice-president; Richard Nixon; Spiro T. Agnew; political kickbacks; bribes; New York Times; Spiro Agnew's America; Theo Lippman, Jr.; Gen. Paul D. Harkins
Saxbe opposes reopening Kent State investigation
by LNS
page 4
keywords: William Saxbe; Attoalertrney General; Justice Department; Elliot Richardson; FBI informer; Terry Norman; Ohio National Guard
Fear in Atlantic City
by John Serbell
page 5, page 8, page 10
keywords: Police Commissioner Mario Floriani; CCTV; surveillance system; Miss America Pagaent; municipal corruption; Mayor Rizzo; boardwalk; NAACP President; Pierre Hallinger; Father Vincent di Pasquale; Bert Parks; Vonda Kay Van Dyke
Was Nixon's 'alert' an attempted coup?
by LNS
page 5
keywords: military alert; Middle East; Alameda, Calif.; Representative Fortney H. Stark; Watergate; impeachment; national emergency
A bicycle demonstration
by Jim Zimmerman
page 6
keywords: Harrisburg Bikeway; Harrisburg Uptown Shopping Center; Harrisburg Bicycle Club; Carroll Smith; City Council; Paul Doutrich, Jr.; Reservoir Park; State Hospital; Leroy Erickson; Susquehanna River
Antioch College
page 7
Letters To the Editor
page 8, page 9
keywords: President Nixon; Clifford Dillman; energy crisis; business communities; energy consumption; gasoline; automobile; Coalition Against Ruining the Environment
Seattle City Council bans gay harassment
by LNS
page 8
keywords: job discrimination; sexual orientation; City Council; Fair Employment Practices Ordinance; picketing; police department; gay liberation movement
Groups therapy, a look at multipartite music
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: Record Review; Brothers and Sisters; The Allman Brothers Band; Duane Allman; Eat A Peach; 8th Street Blues; Back Door; English trio; Robert Johnson; Sladest; Slade; rock and roll; Burnin'; The Wailers; Bob Marley; reggae; Jamaica; Soul By The Numbers; The Three Degrees; Ken Gamble; Leon Huff; Four Tops; Deliver The World; War; H2 Oveerture; Traffic; On The Road; Steve Miller Band; The Joker; Creedence Clearwater Revival; Creedence Gold; million sellers; Best Of The Bee Gees, Vol. 2; Brothers Gibb; The Hollies' Greatest Hits; Buffalo Springfield; Stephen Stills; Neil Young; Richie Furay; Jim Messina; Tidbits At The End; Santana; John McLaughlin; Mothers; Alice Cooper; Mother Of Love; Liza Minelli; Sam Ervin; Loggins and Messina; Full Sail; John Lennon; The Who
by Gilbert Shelton
page 1
keywords: The Adventures of Those Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers; Police Roadblock
by Gene Suchma
page 3
by Jim Flanagan
page 1, page 4