This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from May 19 - May 26, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
400 Harrisburg flood families remain homeless
by Susan Hoch
page 1, page 7
keywords: Harris Haven; flood prevention; Harrisburg Housing Authority; Disaster Office; Dept. of Housing and Urban Development; Arsenal Haven; Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Assistance; Federal Housing Authority; zoning ordinances; temporary housing; school district
Wounded Knee: What next?
by LNS
page 1, page 5
keywords: Pine Ridge Reservation; Lawrence "Buddy" Lamont; Oglala Sioux; tribal chairman Richard Wilson; American Indian Movement; Dennis Banks; Red Cloud; BIA police; Nixon Bissonette; Nixon Administration
Sexism at HIP
by Ted Glick
page 2, page 7
keywords: "alternative newspaper"; Wounded Knee; peace and justice movement; Prisoners Strike for Peace; Phil Berrigan; Indian Mass; movie ads; pornographic movies; HIP staff; Hip readership; revolutionary government
Trucks can kill you
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: ProfessioAmericanal Drivers Council; Arthur L. Fox; Teamsters Union; amphetamines; highway safety; health; union leaders
Letters to the Editor
page 2, page 9
keywords: Stephen P. Herman; CBS network; "Sticks and Bones"; "Cat Ballou"; Jane Fonda; Paul Baker; WTPA-TV; censorship; Norma Nichols; POW's; Foreign Aid Bill; "peace with honor"; War Resisters League; Africa; Norma Nichols
The chances of survival for urbanized America
by Ambrose Klain
page 3, page 6
keywords: The Pennsylvania State University; environmental crisis; polluted air; water; natural resources; American cities; food supply; Vietnam war; Alaskan pipeline; economic system; industrial revolution; automobile; highway funds; employment; education; crime; highway building trust; appropriations; working conditions; public housing; urban problems
Political Awareness comes of age inside prisons
by Al Lamb and Steve Murray
page 4, page 7
keywords: Attica; Danburt Federal Prison; racism; work stoppage; White Hill; Superintendent Ernest Patton; First Amendment; freedom of speech; Selective Service violations; "the Tombs"; parole eligibility; mailing policy; public awareness; prison riot; Jon Bach; "A Bill of No Rights: Attica and the American prison system"
page 8
keywords: Watergate; ITT; Dwayne Andreas; Robert Vesco; CREEP; John Mitchell; Attorney General Kleindienst; Maurice Stans; Donald Segretti; National democratic Headquarters; Gordon Liddy; Howard Hunt; James McCord; Pentagon Papers; Ellsburg; Ehrlichman; Haldeman; Dean; Senator Ervin; President Nixon
A Watergate Game
page 8
keywords: Spiro Agnew; Robert Allen; D. Wayne Andreas; Alfred C. Baldwin III; Bernard L. Barker; Dwight L. Chapin; Charles Colson; Gen. Robert E. Cushman; Kenneth Dahlberg; John Dean; John D. Ehrlichman; Virgilia Gonzalez; Patrick Gray; H.R. Haldeman; E. Howard Hunt Jr.; Herbert Kalmbach; Richard Kleindienst; Egil Krough; G. Gordon Liddy; Jeb Stuart Magruder; Robert Mardian; Eugenio Martinez; James W. McCord Jr.; John Mitchell; Richard Nixon; Donald Segretti; Hugh Sloane; Maurice Stans; Gordon Strachan; Frank Sturgis; Robert Vesco
Movies The plain truth in Black and White
by Dick Sassaman
page 9
keywords: Paxtang Movie Theater; Marcel Ophul; The Sorrow and the Pity; Limelight; Charles Chaplin; Academy Award; Calvero; Claire Bloom; Buster Keaton; James Agee; Nazi occupation; France; Marshall Petain; documentaries; Denis Rake; Prime Minister Laval; Helmut Tausend
page 10
keywords: Save the Tiger; Jack Lemmon; Cabaret; Lisa Minelli; Joel Gray; The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie; Luis Bunuel; Academy Award; The Heartbreak Kid; Neil Simon; Jeannie Berlin; Eddie Albert; Man of LaMancha; Don Quixote; Peter O'Toole; Sophia Loren; James Coco; Class of '44
page 11
keywords: Nobody Ever Died of Old Age; Sharon Curtin; The Secretarial Ghetto; Kathleen Benet; The Great American Novel; Philip Roth; Rupet Mundys; baseball; Gravity's Rainbow; Thomas Pychon; V2 rocket; World War II; A Russian Beauty and Other Stories; Vladimir Nabokov
by Hoch
page 1
by Flanagan
page 2
by LNS
page 5
by Alan Cohen/LNS
page 4