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Volume 2, Number 32: May 19 - May 26, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from May 19 - May 26, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 32 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from May 19, 1973

Article Index

400 Harrisburg flood families remain homeless

by Susan Hoch

page 1, page 7

keywords: Harris Haven; flood prevention; Harrisburg Housing Authority; Disaster Office; Dept. of Housing and Urban Development; Arsenal Haven; Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Assistance; Federal Housing Authority; zoning ordinances; temporary housing; school district

Wounded Knee: What next?

by LNS

page 1, page 5

keywords: Pine Ridge Reservation; Lawrence "Buddy" Lamont; Oglala Sioux; tribal chairman Richard Wilson; American Indian Movement; Dennis Banks; Red Cloud; BIA police; Nixon Bissonette; Nixon Administration

Sexism at HIP

by Ted Glick

page 2, page 7

keywords: "alternative newspaper"; Wounded Knee; peace and justice movement; Prisoners Strike for Peace; Phil Berrigan; Indian Mass; movie ads; pornographic movies; HIP staff; Hip readership; revolutionary government

Trucks can kill you

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: ProfessioAmericanal Drivers Council; Arthur L. Fox; Teamsters Union; amphetamines; highway safety; health; union leaders

Letters to the Editor

page 2, page 9

keywords: Stephen P. Herman; CBS network; "Sticks and Bones"; "Cat Ballou"; Jane Fonda; Paul Baker; WTPA-TV; censorship; Norma Nichols; POW's; Foreign Aid Bill; "peace with honor"; War Resisters League; Africa; Norma Nichols

The chances of survival for urbanized America

by Ambrose Klain

page 3, page 6

keywords: The Pennsylvania State University; environmental crisis; polluted air; water; natural resources; American cities; food supply; Vietnam war; Alaskan pipeline; economic system; industrial revolution; automobile; highway funds; employment; education; crime; highway building trust; appropriations; working conditions; public housing; urban problems

Political Awareness comes of age inside prisons

by Al Lamb and Steve Murray

page 4, page 7

keywords: Attica; Danburt Federal Prison; racism; work stoppage; White Hill; Superintendent Ernest Patton; First Amendment; freedom of speech; Selective Service violations; "the Tombs"; parole eligibility; mailing policy; public awareness; prison riot; Jon Bach; "A Bill of No Rights: Attica and the American prison system"


page 8

keywords: Watergate; ITT; Dwayne Andreas; Robert Vesco; CREEP; John Mitchell; Attorney General Kleindienst; Maurice Stans; Donald Segretti; National democratic Headquarters; Gordon Liddy; Howard Hunt; James McCord; Pentagon Papers; Ellsburg; Ehrlichman; Haldeman; Dean; Senator Ervin; President Nixon

A Watergate Game

page 8

keywords: Spiro Agnew; Robert Allen; D. Wayne Andreas; Alfred C. Baldwin III; Bernard L. Barker; Dwight L. Chapin; Charles Colson; Gen. Robert E. Cushman; Kenneth Dahlberg; John Dean; John D. Ehrlichman; Virgilia Gonzalez; Patrick Gray; H.R. Haldeman; E. Howard Hunt Jr.; Herbert Kalmbach; Richard Kleindienst; Egil Krough; G. Gordon Liddy; Jeb Stuart Magruder; Robert Mardian; Eugenio Martinez; James W. McCord Jr.; John Mitchell; Richard Nixon; Donald Segretti; Hugh Sloane; Maurice Stans; Gordon Strachan; Frank Sturgis; Robert Vesco

Movies The plain truth in Black and White

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: Paxtang Movie Theater; Marcel Ophul; The Sorrow and the Pity; Limelight; Charles Chaplin; Academy Award; Calvero; Claire Bloom; Buster Keaton; James Agee; Nazi occupation; France; Marshall Petain; documentaries; Denis Rake; Prime Minister Laval; Helmut Tausend


page 10

keywords: Save the Tiger; Jack Lemmon; Cabaret; Lisa Minelli; Joel Gray; The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie; Luis Bunuel; Academy Award; The Heartbreak Kid; Neil Simon; Jeannie Berlin; Eddie Albert; Man of LaMancha; Don Quixote; Peter O'Toole; Sophia Loren; James Coco; Class of '44


page 11

keywords: Nobody Ever Died of Old Age; Sharon Curtin; The Secretarial Ghetto; Kathleen Benet; The Great American Novel; Philip Roth; Rupet Mundys; baseball; Gravity's Rainbow; Thomas Pychon; V2 rocket; World War II; A Russian Beauty and Other Stories; Vladimir Nabokov


by Hoch

page 1

by Flanagan

page 2

by LNS

page 5


by Alan Cohen/LNS

page 4


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